
Results 33 issues of songkq

1. Support public LLMs and OpenAI API as a LLM service in QAnything. 2. Provide a detailed usage of QAnything Startup Command and LLM interface.

@songquanpeng Hi, could you please give some advice for this issue? **例行检查** [//]: # (方框内删除已有的空格,填 x 号) + [x] 我已确认目前没有类似 issue + [x] 我已确认我已升级到最新版本 + [x] 我已完整查看过项目 README,尤其是常见问题部分 + [x]...


@danielhanchen Hi, could you please give some advice for this issue? DPO training failed with Deepspeed Zero3 offload. ``` pip install "unsloth[cu121-ampere-torch211] @ git+" torch 2.1.1+cu121 unsloth 2024.1 Driver Version:...

feature request

Hi, do you have plan to support Qwen2 training acceleration? ``` From transformers >= 4.37.0: ```

fixed - pending confirmation
feature request

@danielhanchen @shimmyshimmer Hi, do you have plan to develop some efficient kernels for this issue? Unsloth: Vocab size of 102400 exceeds the max CUDA blocksize of 65536. For now, Unsloth...

feature request

@DataXujing Hi,请问是否尝试过使用TensorRT-API方式从量化训练导出的Q/DQ-onnx模型构建trt_int8 engine? 我尝试直接使用trtexec对Q/DQ-onnx进行转换,nsight分析发现推理过程transpose+reshape耗时占用高,想结合api的方式优化这部分性能,可否给一些建议?多谢~

@shaoyijia @Yucheng-Jiang Hi, I'm wondering if there are some other search APIs can be used for storm since that API requires a credit card. For example, can these...

@hanxiao Could you please give some advice for this issue? ``` `` {"code":500,"status":50000,"message":"Failed to execute 'setAttribute' on 'Element': '}' is not a valid attribute name.","name":"DOMException"} ```

1. Support `DuckDuckGoSearchAPI` and `TavilySearchAPI` as Alternatives to ``. 2. When enabling TopicExpert to use `DuckDuckGoSearchAPI` or `TavilySearchAPI`, these APIs will return compelete contents instead of snippets as default. 3....