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Receptive field calculation to get patch
Hi @songdejia ,
First of all great repo 👍 I am a little confused in this part of code.
p_tl = (8*col, 8*row) p_br = (col*8+92, row*8+92)
I believe this comes from the paper "the output of the 10th convolutional layer conv4_3 represents patches as small as 92 × 92 with stride 8paper ". I didn't get how the author arrive here? Maybe a novice question but your help is appreciated. Thanks
It is a receptive field for VGG-16 at conv4_3. The size in conv4_3 is 56x56. and each px in 56x56 in represent the 92x92 px on origin input(448x448). you can take a look on this as a source: https://www.researchgate.net/figure/The-detailed-receptive-field-and-stride-size-in-original-VGG16-net_tbl1_333638990