I am interested in working on this issue. Thanks!
@codingmickey would you like to work on this together?
Hello! I (Somya-15) am interested in working on this issue.
error "Invalid encoded" got resplved after I used a base64 image string as input in "init_images". It worked for .png image for me. ``` { "init_images": [ "iV.... " #paste...
It's been quite long since this problem has been persisting in the /sdapi/v1/txt2img
Hi, How can I use a stable diffusion model (.cpkt file) uploaded on hugging face in this docker image container.
Hi, yes exactly, I want to load my model using `StableDiffusionPipeline.from_pretrained("path/to/model.ckpt")`. I have the `.ckpt` file ā stored locally on my PC as well as on hugging face and google...