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support `module-aliases-as-namespace` style

Open agarwal opened this issue 8 years ago • 1 comments

Support OCaml's new module aliases as namespace feature, described here in the paragraph beginning "These weakened dependencies ...".

What should be done is:

  • All file names should be prefixed with the project name.
  • Each lib's sub-directory should have a single file.
  • All ml and mli files in that directory other than should start with open Std, or perhaps better is to pass -open Std to ocaml.

This would be in addition to the Basic and Pack options as discussed in #16.

agarwal avatar Jan 13 '16 18:01 agarwal

This feature should be easier to implement now that we have codept.

agarwal avatar Feb 20 '17 16:02 agarwal