monoidal-functors copied to clipboard
doctest wip
Some examples do work:
> cabal exec -- doctest -isrc -XLambdaCase -XUndecidableInstances -XFunctionalDependencies src/Control/Category/Cartesian.hs
Warning: ignoring unrecognised input `.'
Examples: 25 Tried: 25 Errors: 0 Failures: 0
However, currently running into this bug:
> cabal exec -- cabal test
Build profile: -w ghc-9.2.5 -O1
In order, the following will be built (use -v for more details):
- monoidal-functors- (test:monoidal-functors-test) (first run)
Preprocessing test suite 'monoidal-functors-test' for monoidal-functors-
Building test suite 'monoidal-functors-test' for monoidal-functors-
Loaded package environment from /Users/lyndon/code/monoidal-functors/dist-newstyle/tmp/environment.-18821/.ghc.environment.x86_64-darwin-9.2.5
Loaded package environment from /Users/lyndon/code/monoidal-functors/dist-newstyle/tmp/environment.-18821/.ghc.environment.x86_64-darwin-9.2.5
Running 1 test suites...
Test suite monoidal-functors-test: RUNNING...
Warning: ignoring unrecognised input `.'
src/Data/Bifunctor/BiInvariant.hs:110:65: error:ghc-9.2.5: panic! (the 'impossible' happened)
(GHC version 9.2.5:
No skolem info:
Call stack:
CallStack (from HasCallStack):
callStackDoc, called at compiler/GHC/Utils/Panic.hs:181:37 in ghc:GHC.Utils.Panic
pprPanic, called at compiler/GHC/Tc/Errors.hs:2912:17 in ghc:GHC.Tc.Errors
Please report this as a GHC bug: