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Go GitLab Personal Access Token
GoGPAT (Go GitLab Personal Access Token)
GoGPAT helps you to create personal access token via cli.
Getting Started
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
go get -u github.com/solidnerd/gogpat
How to use it
Create a token for gitlab.com
$ gogpat create -u example -p example.pw
Create a token for your own instance
$ gogpat create -u example -p example.pw https://gitlab.example.com
gogpat create - creates a gitlab api token for the specified gitlab
gogpat create [command options] [arguments...]
--api, -a Access the authenticated user's API: Full access to GitLab as the user, including read/write on all their groups and projects
--read_user, --ru Read the authenticated user's personal information: Read-only access to the user's profile information, like username, public email and full name
--read_registry, --rr Read the authenticated user's personal information: Read-only access to the user's profile information, like username, public email and full name
--sudo, -s Perform API actions as any user in the system (if the authenticated user is an admin: Access to the Sudo feature, to perform API actions as any user in the system (only available for admins)
--user value, -u value Sets the user for the login
--password value, -p value Sets the user for the login
--name value, -n value Sets the name of the personal token by default it's gogpat
--expiry value, --ex value Sets the expiry date of the personal token it's should be in format like this 2017-12-22
- Niclas Mietz - Initial work - solidnerd
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
This project is licensed under the Apache License 2.0 - see the LICENSE file for details