solid-start icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
solid-start copied to clipboard

Couldn't deploy in Netlify

Open mentasuave01 opened this issue 2 years ago • 0 comments

It's running smoothly on local but couldn't deploy

Full log of the console:

$ pnpm  build

> create@ build path
> solid-start build

 solid-start build 
 version  0.2.7
 adapter  netlify

solid-start building client...
vite v3.2.4 building for production...
✓ 58 modules transformed.
netlify/manifest.json                      0.96 KiB
netlify/ssr-manifest.json                  2.88 KiB
netlify/assets/_...404_.8d6f8fe4.js        0.57 KiB / gzip: 0.38 KiB
netlify/assets/browser.2df97ebc.js         2.51 KiB / gzip: 1.08 KiB
netlify/assets/entry-client.d870915a.css   0.37 KiB / gzip: 0.26 KiB
netlify/assets/index.868f48d0.js           5.39 KiB / gzip: 2.24 KiB
netlify/assets/entry-client.c69ff833.js    33.71 KiB / gzip: 13.04 KiB
solid-start client built in: 875.136ms

solid-start building server...
vite v3.2.4 building SSR bundle for production...
✓ 57 modules transformed.
.solid/server/manifest.json     0.18 KiB
.solid/server/entry-server.js   56.18 KiB
solid-start server built in: 450.583ms

The 'this' keyword is equivalent to 'undefined' at the top level of an ES module, and has been rewritten
The 'this' keyword is equivalent to 'undefined' at the top level of an ES module, and has been rewritten
The 'this' keyword is equivalent to 'undefined' at the top level of an ES module, and has been rewritten
The 'this' keyword is equivalent to 'undefined' at the top level of an ES module, and has been rewritten
Circular dependency: node_modules/.pnpm/[email protected]/node_modules/readable-stream/lib/_stream_readable.js -> node_modules/.pnpm/[email protected]/node_modules/readable-stream/lib/_stream_duplex.js -> node_modules/.pnpm/[email protected]/node_modules/readable-stream/lib/_stream_readable.js
Circular dependency: node_modules/.pnpm/[email protected]/node_modules/readable-stream/lib/_stream_duplex.js -> node_modules/.pnpm/[email protected]/node_modules/readable-stream/lib/_stream_writable.js -> node_modules/.pnpm/[email protected]/node_modules/readable-stream/lib/_stream_duplex.js
Circular dependency: node_modules/.pnpm/@[email protected]/node_modules/@ethereumjs/tx/dist/index.js -> node_modules/.pnpm/@[email protected]/node_modules/@ethereumjs/tx/dist/transactionFactory.js -> node_modules/.pnpm/@[email protected]/node_modules/@ethereumjs/tx/dist/index.js
Use of eval is strongly discouraged, as it poses security risks and may cause issues with minification
~/uDEV/create$ netlify deploy --prod --build
This folder isn't linked to a site yet
? What would you like to do? +  Create & configure a new site
? Team: SOME team
? Site name (leave blank for a random name; you can change it later): 

Site Created


Linked to SOME LINK

  Netlify Build                                                 

❯ Version
  @netlify/build 28.4.5

❯ Flags

❯ Current directory

❯ Config file

❯ Context

  1. Edge Functions bundling                                    

Packaging Edge Functions from netlify/edge-functions directory:
 - index
error: Uncaught (in promise) Error: Relative import path "assert" not prefixed with / or ./ or ../ and not in import map from "file:///root/netlify/edge-functions/index.js"
      const ret = new Error(getStringFromWasm0(arg0, arg1));
    at __wbg_new_651776e932b7e9c7 (file:///home/menta01/.local/share/pnpm/global/5/.pnpm/@[email protected]/node_modules/@netlify/edge-bundler/deno/vendor/[email protected]/eszip_wasm.generated.js:313:19)
    at <anonymous> (wasm://wasm/00a90a36:1:78732)
    at <anonymous> (wasm://wasm/00a90a36:1:1463894)
    at <anonymous> (wasm://wasm/00a90a36:1:1957066)
    at __wbg_adapter_18 (file:///home/menta01/.local/share/pnpm/global/5/.pnpm/@[email protected]/node_modules/@netlify/edge-bundler/deno/vendor/[email protected]/eszip_wasm.generated.js:144:6)
    at real (file:///home/menta01/.local/share/pnpm/global/5/.pnpm/@[email protected]/node_modules/@netlify/edge-bundler/deno/vendor/[email protected]/eszip_wasm.generated.js:128:14)

  Bundling of edge function failed                              

  Error message
  It seems like you're trying to import an npm module. This is only supported in Deno via CDNs like Have you tried 'import mod from ""'?

  Error location
  While bundling edge function

  Resolved config
    edge_functions: /home/menta01/uDEV/create/netlify/edge-functions
    publish: /home/menta01/uDEV/create/netlify
    publishOrigin: config
    - for: /assets/*
        Cache-Control: public, immutable, max-age=31536000


mentasuave01 avatar Dec 06 '22 10:12 mentasuave01