jira-azuredevops-migrator copied to clipboard
Inline text attachments or pdf file attachments inside description are not working
When you add a file apart from image inside description as inline file. They are not mapping as expected.
And images added in comment are also not mapping with or without space between words
I fixed as given below:
private string[] fileExtensions = { "pdf", "txt" };
private void CorrectImagePath(WorkItem wi, WiItem wiItem, WiRevision rev, ref string textField, ref bool isUpdated) { foreach (var att in wiItem.Revisions.SelectMany(r => r.Attachments.Where(a => a.Change == ReferenceChangeType.Added))) { var fileName = att.FilePath.Split('\')?.Last() ?? string.Empty;
//var splitfileName = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileName) ? fileName.TakeWhile(x => x != '.').ToString().Split(' ') : null;
char[] spearator = {' ', '.' };
var splitfileName = fileName.Split(spearator, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).Where(x => NotGuid(x)).ToArray();
var joinedFileName = string.Join("+", splitfileName, 0, splitfileName.Count()-1);
var extension = splitfileName[splitfileName.Count()-1];
if (textField.Contains(fileName) || (splitfileName != null && textField.Contains(joinedFileName)))
var tfsAtt = IdentifyAttachment(att, wi);
if (tfsAtt != null && !fileExtensions.Contains(extension.ToLower()))
string imageSrcPattern = $"src.*?=.*?\"([^\"])(?=.*{att.AttOriginId}).*?\"";
textField = Regex.Replace(textField, imageSrcPattern, $"src=\"{tfsAtt.Uri.AbsoluteUri}\"");
isUpdated = true;
else if (fileExtensions.Contains(extension.ToLower()))
string imageSrcPattern = $"href.*?=.*?\"([^\"])(?=.*{att.AttOriginId}).*?\"";
textField = Regex.Replace(textField, imageSrcPattern, $"href=\"{tfsAtt.Uri.AbsoluteUri}\"");
isUpdated = true;
Logger.Log(LogLevel.Warning, $"Attachment '{att.ToString()}' referenced in text but is missing from work item {wiItem.OriginId}/{wi.Id}.");
if (isUpdated)
DateTime changedDate;
if (wiItem.Revisions.Count > rev.Index + 1)
changedDate = RevisionUtility.NextValidDeltaRev(rev.Time, wiItem.Revisions[rev.Index + 1].Time);
changedDate = RevisionUtility.NextValidDeltaRev(rev.Time);
wi.Fields[WiFieldReference.ChangedDate].Value = changedDate;
wi.Fields[WiFieldReference.ChangedBy].Value = rev.Author;
private bool NotGuid(string fileName) { var guidMatch = Regex.Match(fileName, @"({){0,1}[0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}(}){0,1}", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); return !guidMatch.Success; }
I'm having a similar issue, but the proposed solution didn't work for me.
In Jira I have a comment with an inline attachment. In the history I see that the comment and the attachment are added at the same time.
In DevOps I have also a comment, but the link of the attachment doesn't work. The attachment is however correctly added to the list attachment. Just the link in the comment doesn't work.
If I run the source code, I see that the revision of the comment is before the upload of the attachment. The method CorrectComment
is therefor run to late.
This all results in the error:
Attachment '{att.ToString()}' referenced in text but is missing from work item {wiItem.OriginId}/{wi.Id}.
We had the same issue with zip files and other less common file types. I added the suggested code changes locally and it worked. So thanks to @mahidharguggilam. Not sure what "Under observation" means, but it would be nice to have the fix included from the beginning.
I faced this issue as well. And based on @mahidharguggilam's way to fix, I have fixed it for myself, too, slightly simpler: https://github.com/tung-nt-niteco/jira-azuredevops-migrator/commit/bb758f853e33b2f934897c509ac6bc79eaab63c2 and https://github.com/tung-nt-niteco/jira-azuredevops-migrator/commit/85826373390136f74187d03bc1a9d94d94b56b2a
Have same issue
Should be fixed by: https://github.com/solidify/jira-azuredevops-migrator/pull/489