d3-pedigree-tree copied to clipboard
A D3.js layout for visualizing pedigree trees.
D3-Pedigree-Tree is a D3.js plugin which adds a layout for visualizing multi-parental trees (DAGs) as pedigree trees with grouped siblings. It was developed in order to ease the visualization of complicated pedigree trees. An example of its use is solgenomics/BrAPI-Pedigree-Viewer.
D3-Pedigree-Tree sorts pedigree trees (grouping by siblings). In order to do this, it uses an iterative (hill-climbing) algorithm which repositions node according to the average positions of their parents and children. Running the sort algorithm multiple times results in a tree which has shorter edges and fewer intersections than random placement. The following example shows 20 iterations of the algorithm (2.5 per second.)
All layout information is returned with X/Y coordindates. As such, a vertically-oriented pedigree tree can be created by simply flipping the X and Y coordinates. To ease more complicated transformations, the X-range and Y-range are returned in the resulting layout object.
If you use NPM, npm install @solgenomics/d3-pedigree-tree
. Otherwise, download the latest release.
API Reference
# d3.pedigreeTree()
Constructs a new pedigree-tree layout with the default settings.
# pedigreeTree()
Returns the resulting layout object according to the settings made for the data provided. This information is formated as follows:
Layout format
/*** Main Object ***/
'links':[link1,link2,...,link3], // list of all links in layout (see linktypes)
'nodes':[node1,node2,...,node3], // list of all nodes in layout (see nodetypes)
'x':[xMin,xMax], // minimum and maximum x coordinate in layout
'y':[yMin,yMax], // minimum and maximum y coordinate in layout
'pdgtree': function pdgtree(){} // reference to the function which created this object.
/*** Linktypes ***/
'type':"parent->mid", // represents edges emanating from parents (red&blue in the example above.)
'source': {}, // reference to the parent node.
'sinks': [{},...,{}], // references to children in the linked sibling group
'id': 'LINK::*-->--*', // id for this link that can be used to maintain object constancy.
'path': [[x,y],[x,y],[x,y]] // list of points in the link's generated path. (this can be passed to a d3.line() function)
'type':"mid->child", // represents edges ending in children (green in the example above.)
'sources': [{},...,{}], // references to the parent nodes for the sibling group.
'sink': {}, // reference to child linked.
'id': 'LINK::*-->--*',
'path': [[x,y],[x,y],[x,y]]
/*** Nodetypes ***/
'type':'node', // object representing a normal node (black in the example above).
'parents':[{},...,{}], // list of parent nodes.
'children':[{},...,{}], // list of child nodes.
'id': "", // id for this link that can be used to maintain object constancy as defined by pedigreeTree.id()
'sib_group_id': "", // id shared by every child in a sibling group.
'value': {}, // value as defined by pedigreeTree.value()
'x': x, // x coordinate for this node
'y': y // y coordinate for this node
'type':'nodeGroup', // object representing a grouped node (white in the example above).
'parents':[{},...,{}], // list of parent nodes.
'children':[], // always empty
'id': "", // id for this link that can be used to maintain object constancy.
'sib_group_id': "", // id shared by every child in a sibling group (and as such, every child in this grouped node).
'value': [{},...,{}], // list of references to the node which are contained in this nodeGroup.
'x': x, // x coordinate for this nodeGroup
'y': y // y coordinate for this nodeGroup
# pedigreeTree.data(array)
Sets an array of objects (members) which will be used as the basis for constructing nodes. These will not be modified and will be accessible via node.value from the resulting node objects.
# pedigreeTree.id(function)
Sets the the ID accessor. The function is passed a data member and should return an ID string. IDs will be used to insure nodes maintain object constancy. This function must always return the same ID if it is run multiple times on the same input.
# pedigreeTree.parents(function)
Sets the the parents accessor. The function is passed a data member and should return the data member which represents the parents node (or null
if parentless).
# pedigreeTree.parentsOrdered(boolean)
Sets whether or not the order of the parents returned by the pedigreeTree.parents() accessor should be taken into account when creating sibling groups. For example, it should be set to true if the accessor always returns the list as [mother,father]
# pedigreeTree.value(function)
Sets the the value accessor. The function is passed a data member and should return a value to be assigned as node.value. By default, the value is is data member itself.
# pedigreeTree.iterations(value)
Sets the maximum number of iterations of the sorting algorithm to perform. (See Sorting.)
# pedigreeTree.levelWidth(value)
Sets the horizontal distance (in points) between levels of nodes.
# pedigreeTree.nodePadding(value)
Sets the minimum vertical distance (in points) from a node to its neighbors.
# pedigreeTree.nodeWidth(value)
Sets the horizontal distance (in points) nodes and the start of the outgoing edges. This allows for labels to be added to the nodes.
# pedigreeTree.linkPadding(value)
Sets the minimum verticle distance (in points) from a link to its neighbors.
# pedigreeTree.groupChildless(boolean)
Toggle grouping for childless nodes. If enabled, siblings without children will be collapsed into special grouped nodes. (See Layout Format.)
# pedigreeTree.minGroupSize(value)
Sets the minimum number of siblings required in order for them to be collapsed into a group.
# pedigreeTree.excludeFromGrouping(array)
Given an array of node ids, sets the layout such that those nodes will never be included in a group.
# pedigreeTree.resetGroups()
Resets the layout such that all nodes may be grouped if conditions are met. (Undoes pedigreeTree.excludeFromGrouping())