example-tictactoe copied to clipboard
Tic-Tac-Toe built on Solana
Tic-Tac-Toe on Solana
This project demonstrates how to use the Solana Javascript API to build, deploy, and interact with programs on the Solana blockchain, implementing an interactive tic-tac-toe game between two users. To see the final product, go to https://solana-example-tictactoe.herokuapp.com/ and wait for another player to join. (Direct a second browser window to the web app to play against yourself.)
The project comprises:
- The on-chain Tic-Tac-Toe program, a BPF program written in Rust
and Cprogram-bpf-c
- Easy program build and deployment using the
library - Command-line and web front-end:
Learn about Solana
More information about how Solana works is available in the Book
Getting Started
The following dependencies are required to build and run this example, depending on your OS they may already be installed:
$ npm --version
$ docker -v
$ wget --version
$ rustc --version
Next fetch the npm dependencies, including @solana/web3.js
, by running:
$ npm install
Select a Network
The example connects to a local Solana cluster by default.
To enable on-chain program logs, set the RUST_LOG
environment variable:
$ export RUST_LOG=solana_runtime::native_loader=trace,solana_runtime::system_instruction_processor=trace,solana_runtime::bank=debug,solana_bpf_loader=debug,solana_rbpf=debug
To start a local Solana cluster run:
$ npm run localnet:update
$ npm run localnet:up
Solana cluster logs are available with:
$ npm run localnet:logs
To stop the local solana cluster run:
$ npm run localnet:down
For more details on working with a local cluster, see the full instructions.
Build the BPF program
$ npm run build:bpf-rust
$ npm run build:bpf-c
The compiler places output files in dist/program
. Program build scripts contain the compiler settings and can be found in the Solana SDK
Run the Command-Line Front End
After building the program,
$ npm run start
This script uses the Solana Javascript API BpfLoader
to deploy the Tic-Tac-Toe program to the blockchain.
Once the deploy transaction is confirmed on the chain, the script calls the program to instantiate a new dashboard
to track the open and completed games (findDashboard
), and starts a new game (dashboard.startGame
), waiting for an opponent.
To play the game, open a second terminal and again run the npm run start
To see the program or game state on the blockchain, send a getAccountInfo
JSON-RPC request to the cluster, using the id printed by the script, eg.:
Dashboard programId: HFA4x4oZKWeGcRVbUYaCHM59i5AFfP3nCfc4NkrBvVtP
Dashboard: HmAEDrGpsRK2PkR51E9mQrKQG7Qa3iyv4SvZND9uEkdR
Advertising our game (Gx1kjBieYgaPgDhaovzvvZapUTg5Mz6nhXTLWSQJpNMv)
Run the WebApp Front End
After building the program,
$ npm run dev
This script deploys the program to the blockchain and also boots up a local webserver for gameplay.
To instantiate a dashboard and game, open your browser to http://localhost:8080/.
Customizing the Program
To customize Tic-Tac-Toe, make changes to the program in program-bpf-rust/src
, rebuild it, and restart the network.
Now when you run npm run start
, you should see your changes.
To deploy a program with a different name, edit src/server/config.js
Pointing to a public Solana cluster
Solana maintains three public clusters:
- Development cluster with airdrops enabled -
- Tour De Sol test cluster without airdrops enabled -
- Main cluster
Use npm scripts to configure which cluster.
To point to devnet
$ npm run cluster:devnet
To point back to the local cluster:
$ npm run cluster:localnet