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:star: PHP library providing ISO codes with localization: country (ISO 3166-1), subdivision (ISO 3166-2), language (ISO 639-3), currency (ISO 4217) and scripts (ISO 15924)

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:star: This library used to get localized names of countries, currencies, languages and scripts.

:package: Based on Python's pycountry and Debian's iso-codes.

:tongue: Current translation status:

Table of contents

  • ISO Standards
  • Installation
    • Installation models
    • Libraries with vendor database update
    • Library with manual database update
  • Translation drivers
    • Gettext extension driver
      • Locale configuration
    • Symfony Translation driver
    • Dummy driver
  • Usage
    • Locale configuration
    • Countries database (ISO 3166-1)
    • Subdivisions database (ISO 3166-2)
    • Historic countries database (ISO 3166-3)
    • Scripts database (ISO 15924)
    • Currencies database (ISO 4217)
    • Languages database (ISO 639-3)
  • Tests

ISO Standards

  • ISO 3166-1: Country codes (alpha-2, alpha-3, numeric)
  • ISO 3166-2: Principal subdivisions (e.g., provinces or states) of all countries coded in ISO 3166-1
  • ISO 3166-3: Historic countries (alpha-2, alpha-3, alpha-4, numeric)
  • ISO 15924: Scripts
  • ISO 4217: Currencies
  • ISO 639-3: Languages


  • Installation models
  • Libraries with vendor database update
  • Library with manual database update

Installation models

You may use this library in different modes:

  • sokil/php-isocodes - install library without database and messages and setup periodic updates of database and messages bt yourself with cron or inside CI/CD pipeline with ./bin/
  • sokil/php-isocodes-db-only - if you do not need internationalisation, use this library. Database already inside. To update database just periodically update this library.
  • sokil/php-isocodes-db-i18n - if you need internationalisation, use this library. Database and messages already inside. To update database just periodically update this library.

Libraries with vendor database update

To install library with database and i18n:

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composer require sokil/php-isocodes-db-i18n

You may also install library with only database (no i18n will be available):

Latest Stable Version Total Downloads Daily Downloads

composer require sokil/php-isocodes-db-only

Library with manual database update

You can install library through Composer:

composer require sokil/php-isocodes

Database and gettext files located in related packages inside databases and messages directories. This packages periodically updated with package version increment.

If you want to update database more often, use script ./bin/ Call this script by cron, during deploy process or when build your docker image.

./bin/ {mode} {base_dir} {build_dir}
Argument Required Description
mode Required May be "all" or "db_only". In "all" mode update database (json files) and locallisation (po and mo files), in "db_only" only database will update
base_dir Required Dir where to place database and messages
build_dir Optional. Default: "/tmp/iso-codes-build" Dir where source directory cloned and files original files processed.

Now you need to configure factory to use this directory:


$databaseBaseDir = '/var/isocodes';

$isoCodes = new \Sokil\IsoCodes\IsoCodesFactory($databaseBaseDir);

Translation drivers

  • Gettext extension driver
    • Locale configuration
  • Symfony Translation driver
  • Dummy driver

Translation drivers required when need to get local names of iso entities.

Translation driver must implement Sokil\IsoCodes\TranslationDriver\TranslationDriverInterface.

Instance of driver may be passed to IsoCodesFactory. If it not passed, default GettextExtensionDriver will be used.


// gettext driver
$isoCodes = new IsoCodesFactory();
$isoCodes = new IsoCodesFactory(null, new GettextExtensionDriver());

// symfony driver
$driver = new SymfonyTranslationDriver();

$isoCodes = new IsoCodesFactory(

// dummy driver
$isoCodes = new IsoCodesFactory(
    new DummyDriver()

Gettext extension driver

This is default translation driver. It requires ext-getext.


// gettext driver
$isoCodes = new IsoCodesFactory();
$isoCodes = new IsoCodesFactory(null, new GettextExtensionDriver());

Locale configuration

Before using IsoCodes database you need to setup valid locale to get translations worked, because ext-gettext uses system local, configured by setlocale.


// define locale
setlocale(LC_ALL, 'uk_UA.UTF-8');

// init database
$isoCodes = new \Sokil\IsoCodes\IsoCodesFactory();

// get languages database
$languages = $isoCodes->getLanguages();

// get local name of language
echo $languages->getByAlpha2('uk')->getLocalName(); // will print 'українська'

To get list of available locales, execute under console:

$ locale -a

If you don't see required locales in list, you may install them manually (for Ubuntu):

$ locale-gen uk_UA.utf8
Generating locales...
  uk_UA.utf-8... done
Generation complete.

Symfony Translation driver


$driver = new SymfonyTranslationDriver();

$isoCodes = new IsoCodesFactory(

Dummy driver

This driver may be used, when localisation of names does not require, and only database of codes is required.


$isoCodes = new IsoCodesFactory(
    new DummyDriver()


  • Factory
  • Countries database (ISO 3166-1)
  • Subdivisions database (ISO 3166-2)
  • Historic countries database (ISO 3166-3)
  • Scripts database (ISO 15924)
  • Currencies database (ISO 4217)
  • Languages database (ISO 639-3)


All databases may be create through factory:

$isoCodes = new \Sokil\IsoCodes\IsoCodesFactory();
$languages = $isoCodes->getLanguages();

There are large databases: subdivisions and languages. Loading of entire database into memory may require lot of RAM and time to create all entries in memory.

So there are scenarios of usage: with optimisations of memory and with optimisation of time.

Memory optimisation

Database splits into partition files.

Fetching some entry will load only little part of database. Loaded entries not stored statically.

This scenario may be useful when just few entries need to be loaded, for example on web request when one entry fetched.

This may require a lot of file read operations.

Input-output optimisations

Entire database loaded into memory from single JSON file once.

All entries created and stored into RAM. Next read of save entry will just return it without io operations with files and building objects.

This scenario may be useful for daemons to decrease file operations, or when most entries will be fetched from database.

This may require a lot of RAM for storing all entries.

Countries database (ISO 3166-1)

Get localized name of country by it's alpha2 code:

$isoCodes = new \Sokil\IsoCodes\IsoCodesFactory();

Get localized name of country by it's alpha2 code:

$isoCodes = new \Sokil\IsoCodes\IsoCodesFactory();

Get localized name of country by it's numeric code:

$isoCodes = new \Sokil\IsoCodes\IsoCodesFactory();

Get localised list of countries

$isoCodes = new \Sokil\IsoCodes\IsoCodesFactory();
foreach($isoCodes->getCountries() as $country) {
  echo $country->getLocalName();

Subdivisions database (ISO 3166-2)


$isoCodes = new IsoCodesFactory();

$subDivisions = $isoCodes->getSubdivisions();

// get subdivision by code
$subDivision = $subDivisions->getByCode('UA-43');

// get subdivision code
$subDivision->getCode(); // UA-43

// get subdivision name
$subDivision->getName(); // Respublika Krym

// get localised subdivision name
$subDivision->getLocalName(); // Автономна Республіка Крим

// get subdivision type
$subDivision->getType(); // 'Autonomous republic'

Historic countries database (ISO 3166-3)


$isoCodes = new IsoCodesFactory();

$countries = $isoCodes->getHistoricCountries();

$country = $countries->getByAlpha4('ZRCD');

$country->getName(); //'Zaire, Republic of'
$country->getAlpha4(); // 'ZRCD'
$country->getAlpha3(); // 'ZAR'
$country->getAlpha2(); // 'ZR'
$country->getWithdrawalDate(); // '1997-07-14'
$country->getNumericCode(); // 180

Scripts database (ISO 15924)

$isoCodes = new IsoCodesFactory();

$scripts = $isoCodes->getScripts();

$script = $scripts->getByAlpha4('Aghb');

$script->getName(); // Caucasian Albanian
$script->getLocalName(); // кавказька албанська
$script->getAlpha4(); // Aghb
$script->getNumericCode(); 239

Currencies database (ISO 4217)


$isoCodes = new IsoCodesFactory();

$currencies = $isoCodes->getCurrencies();

$currency = $currencies->getByLetterCode('CZK');

$currency->getName(); // Czech Koruna
$currency->getLocalName(); // Чеська крона
$currency->getLetterCode(); // CZK
$currency->getNumericCode(); // 203

Languages database (ISO 639-3)

$isoCodes = new IsoCodesFactory();

$languages = $isoCodes->getLanguages();

$language = $languages->getByAlpha2('uk');

$language->getAlpha2(); // uk

$language->getName(); // Ukrainian

$language->getLocalName(); // українська

$language->getAlpha3(); // ukr

// Scope of denotation, see mote at
$language->getScope(); // I

// Type of language, see
$language->getType(); // L

$language->getInvertedName(); // null


To start docker tests run following command:

./tests/docker/ [PHP_VERSION]

For example for PHP 7.1 run following command:

./tests/docker/ 7.1

See also