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[BUG] Channel authorization fails when data is not provided
When a user attempts to subscribe to a presence channel, If the backend calls Pusher.authorizeChannel(socketId, channel, data?)
without specifying the data
optional parameter, the subscription will hang — no message will be logged on client/Soketi.
Reproduction steps See
If one changes the authorizeChannel
call to pusher.authorizeChannel(socket_id, channel_name);
, the channel subscription procedure will hang.
Expected behavior The channel subscription should succeed — this is what happens with Pusher Channels.
- Soketi version: 1.5.0
- Adapter: local
- App Manager: array
- Queue: sync
- Cache Managers: memory
adapter: {
driver: 'local',
redis: {
requestsTimeout: 5000,
prefix: '',
redisPubOptions: {},
redisSubOptions: {},
clusterMode: false
cluster: { requestsTimeout: 5000 },
nats: {
requestsTimeout: 5000,
prefix: '',
servers: [ '' ],
user: null,
pass: null,
token: null,
timeout: 10000,
nodesNumber: null
appManager: {
driver: 'array',
cache: { enabled: false, ttl: -1 },
array: {
apps: [
id: 'myapp',
key: 'myapp-key',
secret: 'myapp-secret',
enabled: true,
enableClientMessages: true,
webhooks: [
url: 'http://localhost:4000/webhook',
event_types: [
dynamodb: { table: 'apps', region: 'us-east-1', endpoint: null },
mysql: { table: 'apps', version: '8.0', useMysql2: false },
postgres: { table: 'apps', version: '13.3' }
cache: { driver: 'memory', redis: { redisOptions: {}, clusterMode: false } },
channelLimits: { maxNameLength: 200, cacheTtl: 3600 },
cluster: {
hostname: '',
helloInterval: 500,
checkInterval: 500,
nodeTimeout: 2000,
masterTimeout: 2000,
port: 11002,
prefix: '',
ignoreProcess: true,
broadcast: '',
unicast: null,
multicast: null
cors: {
credentials: true,
origin: [ '*' ],
methods: [ 'GET', 'POST', 'PUT', 'DELETE', 'OPTIONS' ],
allowedHeaders: [
database: {
mysql: {
host: '',
port: 3306,
user: 'root',
password: 'password',
database: 'main'
postgres: {
host: '',
port: 5432,
user: 'postgres',
password: 'password',
database: 'main'
redis: {
host: '',
port: 6379,
db: 0,
username: null,
password: null,
keyPrefix: '',
sentinels: null,
sentinelPassword: null,
name: 'mymaster',
clusterNodes: []
databasePooling: { enabled: false, min: 0, max: 7 },
debug: true,
eventLimits: {
maxChannelsAtOnce: 100,
maxNameLength: 200,
maxPayloadInKb: 100,
maxBatchSize: 10
host: '',
httpApi: { requestLimitInMb: 100, acceptTraffic: { memoryThreshold: 85 } },
instance: { process_id: 55734 },
metrics: {
enabled: false,
driver: 'prometheus',
host: '',
prometheus: { prefix: 'soketi_' },
port: 9601
mode: 'full',
port: 6001,
pathPrefix: '',
presence: { maxMembersPerChannel: 100, maxMemberSizeInKb: 2 },
queue: {
driver: 'sync',
redis: { concurrency: 1, redisOptions: {}, clusterMode: false },
sqs: {
region: 'us-east-1',
endpoint: null,
clientOptions: {},
consumerOptions: {},
queueUrl: '',
processBatch: false,
batchSize: 1,
pollingWaitTimeMs: 0
rateLimiter: { driver: 'local', redis: { redisOptions: {}, clusterMode: false } },
shutdownGracePeriod: 3000,
ssl: { certPath: '', keyPath: '', passphrase: '', caPath: '' },
userAuthenticationTimeout: 3000,
webhooks: { batching: { enabled: false, duration: 50 } }
Hey Joaomlneto,
I recently faced the same issue/misunderstanding with the official Pusher Server.
For a user to subscribe to a presence channel the authorizeChannel must include the presenceData (in your case data). Read more about it here
As the Soketi incorporates the use of Pusher SDK, it looks like most of the behind the scenes working are the same.
@rennokki Can you share the document on how I can create an app id and secret key for Soketi?