Antti Soininen
Antti Soininen
> It is just that this would create the double amount of data with each iteration. I'm not sure how you've setup the workflow, but perhaps a cleanup step could...
A heads-up: I'm currently working on a new project item that will let one to copy the output files of previous item to a fixed destination directory.
> You know I'm not so fond of new project items but do we really need this new one? I see this type of project item as a nice "terminus"...
> If you save them in the same folder, then you'll overwrite (unless the filename gets a timestamp or something). Would that be the idea? To have multiple files in...
It turns out we cannot enable Python 3.12 support yet. The reason is the `pendulum` package that [gained Python 3.12 support only in version 3.0]( but Dagster requires Pendulum version...
> This might sound crazy but can we just ditch dagster? You are not crazy. I have been pondering the same. Maybe we should first try to upgrade it and...
After we got rid of Dagster and its dependencies, outdated 3rd party packages are not blocking Python 3.12 anymore. However, Toolbox crashes on a segfault immediately upon startup with Python...
Python 3.12 and later is now allowed.
Have you tried copy-pasting the data from one database to the other? Or is it not an option in your use case?
Alright, then it would make more sense to be able to save parts of the database into a file.