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[Form] Add Material Design Form Control Helper
Provide a helper for the material
/ material3
component to the Soil Form.
When I was trying to implement a form using Soil Form in my Android project, I noticed that there are many fields that need to be passed to the Composable in the Control.
val control = rememberFieldRuleControl(
name = "email",
select = { this },
update = { it },
) {
notBlank { "not blank" }
Controller(control) { field ->
value = field.value,
onValueChange = field.onChange,
placeholder = { Text( },
modifier = Modifier
enabled = field.isEnabled,
isError = field.hasError,
singleLine = true,
supportingText = {
if (field.hasError) {
Text(text = field.errors.first(), color = MaterialTheme.colorScheme.error)
keyboardOptions = KeyboardOptions(
keyboardType = KeyboardType.Text,
imeAction = ImeAction.Next,
While we recognize that this is a great design from a flexibility standpoint, we think this may be too much work from a convenience standpoint.
We think that the burden on implementors can be reduced by providing helpers for detailed implementation of the commonly used material
/ material3
libraries as follows.
// usage
val control = rememberFieldRuleControl(
name = "email",
select = { keyword },
update = { copy(keyword = it) },
) {
notBlank { "not blank" }
// definition
fun TextField(
control : FieldControl<String>,
modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
placeholder: @Composable (() -> Unit)? = { Text( }
// ...
) {
Controller(control) { field ->
value = field.value,
onValueChange = field.onChange,
placeholder = placeholder,
modifier = Modifier
// ...
I would like to discuss the pros and cons of this proposal first.