- remove protobuf from direct dependencies - replace deprecated mapping.TENSOR_TYPE_TO_NP_TYPE
protobuf should be removed from direct dependencies for `pip install -e .'[testing]'` to work painlessly on m1 ventura. `pip install onnx~=1.12.0` => builds from source and requires protobuf compiler ```...
- adds resnext to support loading retinanet pretrained on openimages - object detection post processing with numpy. Some parts could easily be written with tinygrad ops but im not sure...
Not sure if there is a clean way of handling the priority of '^R' binding. But I had to explicitly comment out
intel tc
**FAR** from ready for review but `OCL_ICD_VENDORS=intel.icd GPU=1 HALF=1 python3 extra/gemm/` works - perf is terrible - only fp16 (no integer or bf16)
When a library uses module names that conflicts with builtins, such as ``, the import logic in ends up using `importlib.machinery.BuiltinImporter` as it appears before `importlib.machinery.PathFinder` in `sys.meta_path`.
Thank you for the amazing work. I have tried to use to VGG weights trained on imagenet ( But the accuracy remains zero so it doesn't seem to be a...