technion-sogrim copied to clipboard
Vision (backlog)
- [ ] Any user can login - and make his own catalog. #
- [x] CANCELLED ~~User details array - users have a number of possibilities to check different catalogs & planning.~~
- [ ] Responsive for mobile.
- [x] Better editing table experience (Reut)
- [ ] More Faculties!!!
- [ ] stats page
- [ ] guest flow (with localstorage / dummy user?)
- [ ] intro flow
- [ ] Any user can login - and make his own catalog.
suggestion: catalogs made by users will have likes. (👍 ) any user will have an option to select catalogs which other users created, and give them a like. then, a catalog with a lot of likes can be a very good indicator of a valid catalog - even though it was made by a student and not by one of the coordinators.