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[BUG] zio-http does not work with multipartBody[T]
Tapir version: 0.19-M14
Scala version: Scala 2.13.6
Describe the bug
What is the problem?
zio-http with multipartBody[T] does not work. Server does not respond and it seems that logic is not activated.
How to reproduce?
package example
case class Test(input: String)
object ZioTestApp extends zio.App {
import zio._
import zio.magic._
import zio.logging._
import sttp.tapir.ztapir._
import sttp.tapir.generic.auto._
import zhttp.service.{EventLoopGroup, Server}
import zhttp.service.server.ServerChannelFactory
import sttp.tapir.server.ziohttp.ZioHttpInterpreter
val testEndpoint = endpoint
.in("api" / "test")
def testLogic(input: Test) = for {
_ <- log.info(s"simple call ${input}")
} yield "ok"
val testRoute = ZioHttpInterpreter()
val server = Server.port(9091) ++
Server.paranoidLeakDetection ++
val loggingLayer =
Logging.console() >>>
override def run(args: List[String]): URIO[zio.ZEnv, ExitCode] = {
.use(_ =>
log.info("server started") *> ZIO.never
Additional information
I think it was simply not implemented because of lack of support on zio-http side.
See https://github.com/softwaremill/tapir/blob/master/server/zio-http-server/src/main/scala/sttp/tapir/server/ziohttp/ZioHttpRequestBody.scala#L32 (Task.never
is not great though, an error would be better).
Ongoing work on zio-http side: https://github.com/dream11/zio-http/pull/515
I think the right one for the current moment on ZIO side is https://github.com/dream11/zio-http/issues/503