I've got an old device running a 3.0 Kernel. Running Android 13 - Tiramisu - LineageOS 20 Magisk 24.1 Root it working etc. After uninstalling LinuxDeploy app and ensuring no...
Promises never resolve. Just use npm package mkdirp. Tested in Node v12.14.0 Please remove this package or fix it, having it here (without a warning saying that it's broken) just...
**Thanks for making and sharing gled** I recently updated my G102 firmware to the latest version with the Logitech Windows driver. The new firmware increased the max DPI from 2000...
It would be nice to set the colour temporarily, without saving it to the mouse's memory.
Meteor has it's magical `if (Meteor.isClient) import 'foo.scss';` syntax which violates JavaScript standards. What is the best way to achieve compatibility with JavaScript parsers, like js-hyperclick, which fails to parse...
Hey guys, I love platformio-atom-ide-terminal :) Thank you! I find the copy/paste (alt-c alt-v) key mappings very akward for me personally, is it possible to change it to be in...
TLDR: `123456` is pretty much the most common password in the world and also has no entropy due to being an obvious sequence. zxcvbn-ts falls on it's face with `onetwothreefourfivesix`,...