sl-ember-components copied to clipboard
Define capabilities and API for sl-calendar
This issue is where discussion about all of the things we want to change about the sl-calendar
component should occur and the final definition of its capabilities and API are defined. As these items are discussed and vetted, issues will be created to work any individual tasks, with this issue serving as the overall source of progress.
To indicate that a capability of the component needs to be verified, add a comment with **VERIFY**
as the first line.
To propose a change to the component, add a comment with **PROPOSAL**
as the first line.
To indicate that something needs to be researched, add a comment with **RESEARCH**
as the first line.
As you are leaving comments regarding any of these VERIFY
comments, link back to the comments link in your own so that the conversation can be more easily followed (in absence of threaded conversation support in Github). This should be done on the first line of the comment via **RE: <url>**
Capabilities and API
- [ ] ARIA support
- [ ] ...
Tasks Adding them here until issues are created
- Update documentation for each change
- Complete review of documentation against capabilities
Issues tracking these efforts
Better/fully support story around sl-calender-day
and other sub components being able to be used independently.
Clicking a day should fire an action that receives a moment date object. Currently, without this, there is no use for the calendar other than as a reference.
Calendar should respect the day that the week starts on based on the locale. Spanish locale should show Monday/Lunes as first day of the week.
Separate 'active' vs 'today'. The day box representing "today" should be designated with a class that can be styled/overridden. Days marked "active" should represent some sort of selection or data.
As we investigate what is desired / required for a native calendar implementation how do we address the TWBS styling of the calendar with a native implementation?
Do we try to follow the look and feel of
RE: I would say no, since the padding and colors aren't bootstrap