sl-ember-components copied to clipboard
An Ember CLI Addon that provides a variety of UI components.
After installing the add-on and running ember server, I get the following error. The Broccoli Plugin: [Funnel] failed with: Error: Attempting to watch missing directory: C:\Program Files\Git\ember-panels\ node_modules\sl-ember-components\node_modules\sl-ember-components\app at EventEmitter.Watcher_addWatchDir...
I think most people now use `ember-cli-moment-shim` or `ember-moment` to include moment, including it from bower then creates problems with duplicate versions.
It is set to the default value so is redundant
I have customized several of your components in my own app. After upgrading Ember from 1.12 to 1.13, the overridden templates were not picked up anymore. I couldn't find anything...
This change is [](
These can be removed from the default rendered test:
changing the value from outside of the component will never change the selected item in the select
DEPRECATION: tryCmd command is deprecated in favor of `ember try:one`. Example: `ember try default-scenario serve --port 4201`, becomes: `ember try:one default-scenario --- ember serve --port 4201`