... but you need to do that in the source code
Yes agreed. It might be good idea to have a "global override" that tells WLED at compile time what are the your primary I2C pins. Because they are usually shared...
Just for sake of completemess, the same applies for other new ESP32 variants like ESP32-C2, ESP32-C6, ESP32-H2. Not officially supported by WLED. You may find some helpful information in...
Update: Actually I just ordered an ESP32-S3, because it seems to be the only one of the new models with a realistic chance to run SoundReactive with many LEDs. And...
I use this in my platformio_override.ini. Select environment `esp32s3dev_8MB`, compile & upload via USB port. ```ini [esp32s3] ;; generic definitions for all ESP32-S3 boards build_flags = -g -DESP32 -DARDUINO_ARCH_ESP32 -DARDUINO_ARCH_ESP32S3...
If you want something to play with, this is an **experimental build** of for ESP32-S3 with 8MB FLASH: 1. `esptool erase_flash` 2. (optional) `esptool write_flash 0x8000 ESP32S3_WLED_partitions_8M.bin` 3. `esptool...
@blazoncek good point, did not think of that 👍 Is it the "partitions.bin" that I find in the .pio build folder? btw, my boot log starts like this. Not sure...
PS: the "file editing bug" is also described here:
Just stumbled over this bug report for CDC on S2: "Issue realted ESP32-S2 CDC to the Serial.setDebugOutput(true)" seems that debug out from parallel tasks will cause a lock-up.
Something that worked for me, when an ESP32 refuses to connect to wifi - especially for newly purchased devices: erase all flash, upload bootloader, upload fresh bin. Please remember that...