Hermes-Lite copied to clipboard
Deprecated project!!! See Hermes-Lite2 at main web site
Once kits are available, it would be nice for more people to know about the Hermes-Lite. This also requires supporting their interest. - Better documentation on [the wiki]( - QST...
The next revision of the Hermes-Lite will hopefully happen towards the end of 2015. Ideas include: - Incorporate FPGA on main board - Incorporate best and most useful hardware from...
Full assembly in china will be the least expensive. I will work on this with feedback from those who complete the kit.
I would like to attract developers to enhance existing software to work better with the Hermes-Lite. I have loaner units that can be sent. For best results this depends on...
RX gain is the only control that is enabled. Proper RX/TX control must be implemented and presented nicely in the front-end software.
Puresignal is a really attractive feature of the Hermes. We should be able to enable this on the Hermes-Lite. It depends on fullduplex and a PA.
The MAC and IP address are hardcoded into the RTL. The Hermes has a separate serial eeprom for these. I would like to eventually use the end of the boot...
The direct audio worky by IK1XPV should be included in the main branch with Verilog parameters to enable/disable these extensions. See
It would be nice to port the HiQSDR rtl using the opencores MAC to work on this platform.
The Hermes supports VNA functionality, [HamVNA]( It would be nice to support this with the Hermes-Lite. This depends on having full-duplex working. This will also require a reflection bridge and...