sqliteodbc copied to clipboard
make install DESTDIR=% fails if not exists directories under % dir
App version: 0.9998 OS: Gentoo Install in standart way for Gentoo - by ebuild:
EAPI=6 inherit git-r3 DESCRIPTION="SQLite ODBC Driver" HOMEPAGE="https://github.com/softace/sqliteodbc" EGIT_REPO_URI="https://github.com/softace/sqliteodbc"
LICENSE="https://github.com/softace/sqliteodbc/blob/master/license.terms" SLOT="0" KEYWORDS="amd64 x86 ~amd64 ~x86" IUSE=""
src_install() { dodir /usr dodir /usr/lib64 default }
Installation fails due to do not exist directories like /usr and /usr/lib64... If I manual create those dirs by commands in ebuild:
dodir /usr dodir /usr/lib64
before execution of make install DESTDIR=%, then installation finish successful.
Error is at phase make install DESTDIR=%. I think, that at this phase, installer MUST create directories (if they are not exists), which program need for storing they files, like BINDIR, LIBDIR, INCLUDEDIR, DATADIR or any others (./configure --help | grep "=DIR").