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基于SOFAArk实现类加载器加载外置的SofaTracer的Spring Boot Starter插件
基于SOFAArk实现类加载器加载外置的SofaTracer的Spring Boot Starter插件,这样也能实现SofaTracer插件的升级自主可控不影响业务 @quaff @khotyn @nobodyiam @jjtyro @ujjboy
It's not a good idea
Importing and exporting classes by SofaTracer itself makes relationships complicated and difficult to maintain
Is there any particular scenario that requires a separate hot upgrade of the SofaTracer plugin, because introducing SOFAArk would complicate the business runtime structure
SOFAArk mainly solves problems in two scenarios: 1. Dependency conflict; 2. Merge deployment; The logic of isolation is semantically independent, with plugins depending on Core and other components
用spring boot类加载器,加载外置的Spring Boot Starter呢?不需要热加载 @glmapper 你可以理解只加载外置的Spring Boot starter即可
这个场景还是挺少的, @SoftwareKing 可以提供 PR 和 demo 来验证这个场景的有效性吗?相比于动态加载单个插件带来的问题,recompiler & redeploy 可能更简单
这个问题不在 trace 组件部分讨论,可以在 sofa-ark 中继续讨论此场景 @SoftwareKing