Коренберг Марк

Results 147 comments of Коренберг Марк

I don't know. I think yes. It's better to stop using libhtp. I would advice https://llhttp.org/ - is the fastest and fully RFC compliant HTTP FSM.

Did anyone make a benchmark ? (Rust parser vs others) ?

@catenacyber who should I mention in order him to look to the llhttp ? Possibly it's a better solution than rust ?

"Better" means much better performance.

@ai No, you don't have: ``` $ find | fgrep -i promi ./features-json/promise-finally.json ./features-json/promises.json ```

https://caniuse.com/#feat=mdn-javascript_builtins_promise_allsettled original caniuse link

Yes I can... but....there are plenty of other features. Seems caniuse guys simply just do not add detailed information. https://caniuse.com/#feat=mdn-javascript_builtins_object_fromentries Is another feature I want to use. That's why I'm...

Ummm. Instead of adding, they just refer to MDN database....I think browserslist must support this DB as well.

@ai Browserslist query language should match features from this DB. MDN db has an API.

Well. It's the official package... https://caniuse.com/#feat=mdn-javascript_builtins_object_fromentries ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1157412/90447562-00069300-e0fd-11ea-84c4-5a410eaa37c7.png) (click on the place like one in the picture) This is an example of description method I want: https://github.com/mdn/browser-compat-data/blob/master/javascript/builtins/Object.json#L600 You should not use...