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TypeError: socket.client.writeToEngine is not a function
Getting the following error trying to get redis working with socketio and express.
TypeError: socket.client.writeToEngine is not a function at <PROJECT_DIRECTORY>/server/node_modules/
Few others here have also flagged this, but I don't see any workaround. is the latest version, 7.0.0.
My socketio instance is being created like this:
// Create the SocketIO Server const express = require('express'); const http = require('http'); const sio = require(''); const redisAdapter = require(''); const { createClient } = require("redis");
. . . const app = express(); const server = http.createServer(app); const io = new sio.Server(server); const pubClient = createClient({ port : [redacted], host : [redacted], password : [redacted] }); const subClient = pubClient.duplicate() io.adapter(redisAdapter(pubClient, subClient));
It looks like a version mismatch. Could you please check the version of
socketio version is 4.0.1
Upgrading socketio to 4.3.1 seems to have fixed the issue
@aintHuman how about downgrading the redis adapter to 6.1.1?
Anyways, I think version shouldn't be the problem, as the compatibility table says that redis adapter "6.1.x and above" should match server of "4.x".
Hello. I encountered this problem. I got rid of the problem when I updated my packages as below.
"": "^7.2.0", "redis": "3.1.2", "": "4.5.1",
For future readers: this error was due to an incompatibility between the
packages. Updating to the latest revision should fix the issue.
Please reopen if needed.