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Undefined reference to sio::client::client()
I've followed the set up instructions as best as I can, boost seems linked, as well as the socket-io libraries. Following the example my main.cpp looks like this:
#include "./lib/"
#include "./lib/"
#include "./lib/"
int main(int , char* argv[]) {
sio::client h;
return 0;
The path to sio_client.h is correct, VSCode complained when I pointed to the wrong location, and if I shift+click sio::client it does take me to the header file, but when compiling the following errors show up:
/tmp/ccuONn4Y.o: In function
main': /path/to/main.cpp:6: undefined reference to
sio::client::client()' /path/to/main.cpp:7: undefined reference tosio::client::connect(std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)' /path/to/main.cpp:6: undefined reference to
sio::client::~client()' /path/to/main.cpp:6: undefined reference to `sio::client::~client()' collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status Makefile:37: recipe for target 'all' failed
My makefile looks like this:
# All purpose variables
project_root = ./
# Where to store the binaries
# Compiler flags
flags=-std=c++11 -Wall -Werror -g -v -lboost_filesystem -lboost_system
deps = ./src/louise/lib/ ./src/louise/lib/ ./src/louise/lib/
# Compilation instructions
%.o: %.c $(deps)
$(CC) -c -o $@ $< $(flags)
cd $(project_root)
if [ -a $(target_folder)/${target_bin} ]; then rm $(target_folder)/${target_bin}; fi;
$(compiler) ${source_to_main} -o $(target_folder)/${target_bin} ${flags}
I realize an ld
error is a linker error, but cant spot what's wrong in my setup, a little help please?
Made some progress, realized I was missing the client sources in my Makefile, which now looks like this:
# All purpose variables
project_root = ./
# Where to store the binaries
source_to_main=src/louise/main.cpp src/louise/lib/ src/louise/lib/
flags=-std=c++11 -Wall -Werror -g -v -lboost_filesystem -lboost_system
deps = ./src/louise/lib/ ./src/louise/lib/ ./src/louise/lib/
$(compiler) ${source_to_main} -o $(target_folder)/${target_bin} ${flags}
The current error Im getting is:
src/louise/lib/ fatal error: websocketpp/client.hpp: No such file or directory
Hey, I am getting the same error. Have you solve the problem? fatal error: websocketpp/client.hpp: No such file or directory.
And updating websocket git (replace everything in\lib\websocketpp and rebuild libraries) would solve other problems with working with outdated libraries
Hello, was this resolved ? @purefan @shivankgupta
Sorry guys, no fix on my end, I eventually moved to another programming language for websockets
same here qt project, can not compile
Adding -L. -lsioclient
resolved sio::client::client()
related issue for me. But now getting below error on Ubuntu 18.04:
client1.cpp:(.text+0x12e): undefined reference to 'sio::client::connect(std::string const&)'
client1.cpp:(.text+0x182): undefined reference to 'sio::client::socket(std::string const&)'
client1.cpp:(.text+0x1ef): undefined reference to 'sio::socket::emit(std::string const&, sio::message::list const&, std::function<void (sio::message::list const&)> const&)'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status