TOKITA Hiroshi
TOKITA Hiroshi
#68514 also merged. You need to rebase this PR. ~With this change, you should no longer need to define led-strip in the files inside boards.~
@oscarbaselga All achivements of this project have been merged into Please use them. This project will be archived.
All features porting is done. This project will archived.
> So basically a wrapper of all funcs here for nvs_write, nvs_read, etc. in zephyr? Yes, it is. The importance is easily migrating from Arduino code here. In practice, some...
@purviyeshi > @DhruvaG2000 I would like to work on this issue, if it is not currently assigned to anyone, could you please assign it to me? Anyone can take a...
PWM/ADC documentation was done in #66.