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git-secret copied to clipboard

some commands fail when the current directory's path includes spaces

Open MichaelPeter-Shockoe opened this issue 6 years ago • 20 comments

Some commands, specifically at least git secret init and git secret reveal, encounter errors when the current directory's path contains any spaces. I personally avoid using spaces in directory names, but I am attempting to set up git-secret with our CI server and must work around the existing structure there.

What are the steps to reproduce this issue?

In place of the suggested sections, I will provide two full examples which I hope will show the issue clearly.

Note: both of these examples take place on a machine on which I am able to use git-secret without issue when the path does not contain a space

Example 1 - Initializing to a directory which contains a space

Here is the base case where I try to set up git-secret from scratch in a directory which already contains a space in the path screen shot 2018-03-14 at 10 17 04 am

Example 2 - Calling git secret reveal from a directory which contains a space

Here, I first initialize git-secret and encrypt a file successfully in a directory with no spaces in the path so that I can get further along in the process. I then rename the directory to contain a space and try to call git secret reveal screen shot 2018-03-14 at 10 19 47 am

Any other comments?

I inserted some logging and played with the code a bit, and I believe the issue is stemming from lines of the form

$($gpg_local ......)

A little research pointed me towards the use of eval for better interpretation of commands formed by concatenating strings, but I am not sure of the security implications around that command.

What versions of software are you using?

Operating system: macOS 10.13.3

Darwin -- 17.4.0 Darwin Kernel Version 17.4.0: Sun Dec 17 09:19:54 PST 2017; root:xnu-4570.41.2~1/RELEASE_X86_64 x86_64

git-secret path: /usr/local/bin/git-secret

git-secret version: 0.2.2

git version: 2.11.1

Shell type and version: zsh 5.3 (x86_64-apple-darwin17.0)

gpg version: 2.2.5

MichaelPeter-Shockoe avatar Mar 14 '18 14:03 MichaelPeter-Shockoe

@MichaelPeter-Shockoe Thanks for the detailed report.

Are you interested in providing a fix?

sobolevn avatar Mar 14 '18 15:03 sobolevn

No problem. Unfortunately I don't have the bandwidth to commit time towards a fix right now though

MichaelPeter-Shockoe avatar Mar 14 '18 17:03 MichaelPeter-Shockoe

@joshrabinowitz Could you please verify that this is still an issue?

sobolevn avatar Apr 17 '18 13:04 sobolevn

@sobolevn it is still an issue.

I see these issues so far:

  • when we use gawk, spaces in the full path are confusing the shell, for example here: (_gawk_inplace is here: )

  • There are also problems when invoking gpg as @MichaelPeter-Shockoe mentioned.

joshrabinowitz avatar Apr 18 '18 23:04 joshrabinowitz

And here's the first error you'll encounter if you try to create a git-secret repo using a directory with spaces

% git clone [email protected]:repo.git 'checkout repo'

% cd 'checkout repo'

% git secret init
'/full/path/checkout repo/.gitsecret/' created.
gawk: cmd. line:3: fatal: cannot open file `/full/path/checkout' for reading (No such file or directory)
cleaning up...

joshrabinowitz avatar Apr 18 '18 23:04 joshrabinowitz

Can anyone provide tips fixing these issues? Not a bash master here (yet)

joshrabinowitz avatar Apr 19 '18 11:04 joshrabinowitz

@joshrabinowitz you have to look for expression expansion issues. It generally means that we are missing "" quotes somewhere. Or something similar.

sobolevn avatar Apr 19 '18 12:04 sobolevn

Yeah, I've tried all sorts of quoting changes so far, I could use some specific guidance

joshrabinowitz avatar Apr 19 '18 13:04 joshrabinowitz

joshrabinowitz avatar May 13 '18 15:05 joshrabinowitz


  • "You can use the ${var:+..} parameter expansion" (to build options at runtime)

I'm pretty sure this is extra important:

"rewrite the _get_gpg_local function to put those default arguments 
or whatever into an array instead. the way it is now it'll never work."- person on IRC

joshrabinowitz avatar May 14 '18 14:05 joshrabinowitz

Also affected by this. 😢

khromov avatar May 30 '18 15:05 khromov

I think we should release 0.2.4 without this fix (since we don't have the fix yet).

joshrabinowitz avatar Jun 13 '18 20:06 joshrabinowitz

This is fixed by PR #224, which should be in the next release

joshrabinowitz avatar Jul 03 '18 12:07 joshrabinowitz

@joshrabinowitz thank you for your hard work! I know this was a challenging one. Awesome, that we got this fixed!

sobolevn avatar Jul 03 '18 12:07 sobolevn

@sobolevn you're quite welcome! Thanks for all your time and work writing and supporting git-secret.

joshrabinowitz avatar Jul 03 '18 12:07 joshrabinowitz

Hi all! I just encountered this issue again, today, 08/07/22, after running git secret init.

Here's the terminal output:

myUser repo % git secret init
git-secret: init created: '/Users/myUser/GitLab Repos/Personal/repo/.gitsecret/'
gawk: cmd. line:3: fatal: cannot open file `/Users/myUser/GitLab' for reading: No such file or directory

I don't have a fix for this but just wanted to post that it's an issue that I am encountering again.

k-le avatar Aug 07 '22 18:08 k-le

confirmed regression on current master branch. current automated testing asserts that using spaces with files works, but we don't test the case when a parent directory contains spaces.

joshrabinowitz avatar Aug 07 '22 19:08 joshrabinowitz

Even though I closed this ticket some time ago, I don't think this actually was ever fixed for the case of spaces in parent directories (we did fix the case of spaces in filenames and directories in the git-secret repo).

I'm not sure how to fix the underlying problem which is an issue with quoting in the gawk code

joshrabinowitz avatar Aug 07 '22 20:08 joshrabinowitz

This is because (at the very least) the gawk scripts used in git-secret can't handle spaces in parent directory names.

To replicate:

mkdir 'test with space'

cd 'test with space'

git init
Initialized empty Git repository in /home/user/gitsrc/test with space/.git/

git secret init 
git-secret: init created: '/home/user/gitsrc/test with space/.gitsecret/'
gawk: cmd. line:3: fatal: cannot open file `/home/user/gitsrc/test' for reading (No such file or directory)

Note how it truncates the directory name at the first space

joshrabinowitz avatar Sep 05 '22 22:09 joshrabinowitz

@hurricanehrndz it looks like you're the original author of the awk code that git-secret depends on and is causing issues here. Can you possibly take a look and fix?

joshrabinowitz avatar Sep 05 '22 22:09 joshrabinowitz