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Composer package to enable a controller when using Blade with Sage 9

Results 7 controller issues
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When `protected $acf = true;` in the Controller, but the plugin is not activated, this will create a Fatal error. ``` Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function...

I'm receiving the following warning on archive and 404 pages. ``` Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /html/app/plugins/advanced-custom-fields-pro/includes/api/api-value.php on line 702 Stacktrace ---------- Fatal error: Uncaught ErrorException: Invalid argument...

Hi, it's look's like a problem between Woocommerce template page and controller action. Not really sure why but on the shop page from woocommerce `` We use this root branch...

In 9.0.0-beta.4, in `Sober\Controller\Loader::setInstance()` there appears to be an issue when using PHP 7.4. The code assumes that the last class returned by `get_declared_classes()` is the one that should be...

Suggestion for #140 Use custom filter with namespace to extract the relevant class name from `get_declared_classes`

Creating a Controller called `Category` to be used on Category archives e.g. `/category/category-slug` does not work. The errors are: ``` Notice: Undefined index: __app in /home/lee/Code/wordpress/cleanwp/web/app/themes/sage/vendor/soberwp/controller/src/Controller.php on line 270 Warning:...

Controllers don't work when dealing with CPT that has underscores. My CPT is **cnm_yacht** template: single-cnm_yacht.blade.php **works**! Controller: SingleCnmYacht Controller **doesn't work** ![imagen]( ## Temporary solution is adding $template var...