
Results 21 comments of Ju

@brian-brazil's concern totally makes sense. But the body of some ping target responses are simple text without secrets and in just a few bytes, such as "OK", "READY", "HEALTHY", etc....

Cool. Glad that the library I wrote becomes the building block of you library. I have been working on the other project recently and share little time on nim-markdown. I'll...

I've tested the example on my local, the exact iteration needs to go up to 125 to fail. The error is a segfault. ``` [1] 4194 segmentation fault ./issue49 ```...

Performance is indeed a problem. I intend to solve it in 2021. ⌨️

@osmarks Although there are still plenty to optimize, I'm satisfied with the current result (as of v0.8.4): ``` $ nim c -d:release src/markdown.nim && time ./src/markdown < /tmp/out2.txt real 0m1.390s...

@hoijui Does [this](https://github.com/soasme/nim-markdown/blob/master/docs/advance_usages.md#operate-ast) suit your need? The given example shows you how to get an AST using prod `markdown()` and manipulate such an AST.

@hoijui the link is missing on README or docs site. The traversing is also missing. I can add them later. In short, to get the children nodes of a node,...

@hoijui Say you want to check if a token is a paragraph, you can use Nim `of` keyword: `if token of Paragraph: ...`. Actually, Nim-markdown [`render` function](https://github.com/soasme/nim-markdown/blob/master/src/markdown.nim#L475-L626) is one of...

Currently, nim-markdown generates an Abstract Syntax Tree, not Parse Tree. Unfortunately, that means the position information is lost.

I have been looking into module `jsre`; the most difficult thing is it has a completely different API with re module. I'll take a look into nim-regex and see if...