finalhe copied to clipboard
I have been trying every way i can to get this to work, am now struggling to compile the source in there a ubuntu version i can just run please
- for .deb, should install languages to system share folder, which needs minor code tweaks
- for deb packaging, help wanted from debian/ubuntu users, although I will try to make it later if I do have time to learn it
Any update on this?
I was able to compile successfully with cmake and use on my KDE Neon 18.04 distro to install encore2 on my Vita. Download source and extract to directory of your choice. I will use home/yourusername/finalhe-1.92 as the example:
- cd finalhe-1.92
- mkdir build
- cd build
- cmake /home/yourusername/finalhe-1.92
- your system should create what's needed and the last line should say: Build files have been written to: /home/yourusername/finalhe-1.92/build
- make
- your system should now start making FinalHE. After a minute it should finish and the last line should say: [100%] Built target FinalHE
- ls -l
- you should now see that the last directory in build is src
- cd src
- You should see FinalHE*
- VERY IMPORTANT!! You must launch FinalHE as root or with sudo otherwise it will complain with usb errors.
- sudo ./FinalHE
If you need any help I'll try to help you out. Leave a message here.
@Desmo5574 thanks but my Ubuntu is stuck on LIBUSB_INCLUDE DIR and LIBUSB_LIBRARY despite the fact that I have libusb-dev package installed. Exporting those variables does not help.
@dezoka sorry for the late reply as I've been on the road (business trips). Have you installed both libusb-dev libraries? There is libusb-dev and libusb-1.0-0-dev. Additionally, I also compiled and installed VitaMTP by yifanlu...
This is just useless. 1.92 won't work because ssh/aes dependencies are the wrong ones, and if you put the good ones, the rest of the code is useless. 1.91 won't work because at 82% installation, "qrc_finalhe.cpp.o" s**ts itself. And it's the same for 1.81. And it's the same for 1.71. And if you have the displeasure of using windows, I can confirm you FinalHE.exe doesn't do anything either. So I don't know why I'm losing my time trying to compile a linux version of a useless program.
Therefore, long story short, if you have a Vita/TV with 3.65 installed, you're screwed. Go to eBay, get a 3.60, and try Henkaku. Thanks.
@LeDechaine you're not entitled to anything, so you should most probably just stfu.
This works flawlessly on Manjaro.
@dekoza As you can see, the title of this issue is ".deb". As in, Debian. So, your comment is useless. That is, unless you want people to install "dpkg" and then "dpkg -i .deb" files into Manjaro, which is just dumb and dangerous.
My comment was meant to be informative for Debian users. No ".deb" will be available, because right now, the ".deb" won't even compile. Even for 1.81. Even for 1.71. Debian has been updated, this has not. So even old versions fail. And you're not entitled to make Debian users lose their time... So you should most probably just stfu.
I just went back, looked over my original instructions that I sent to @dekoza and I was able to compile successfully using ubuntu 20.04. The secret to compiling successfully is steps 2 & 3: creating a "build" directory and issuing cmake from the "build directory". If I did that, I compiled to 100% successfully...if I tried any other way, I got the sha.256 error.
If anyone needs any help, send me a message and I'll help you out.