Benji Soar
Benji Soar
Just a quick update to this. I'll reduce my estimate to this happening 99% of the time. I actually had one success today where the browser switch worked and I...
Hi @sshropshire, yes it extends Theme.AppCompat.DayNight.NoActionBar, but I just noticed, we've recently installed a new dependency to handle showing a splash screen for our App. This required changing to their...
Apologies if I'm missing something here, but in a slightly related case (nothing to do with performance more of a React SSR issue), I have a React component which is...
and another example highlighting the difference between the url encoding on the server vs the client:- ``` Server: "/advanced?advanced=must.subject.Design+%28arts%29" Client: "/advanced?advanced=must.subject.Design+(arts)" ```
I guess that's down to the aforementioned `reitit.impl/url-encode`? ``` (defn url-encode [s] (if s #?(:clj (str/replace s #"[^A-Za-z0-9\!'\(\)\*_~.-]+" percent-encode) :cljs (js/encodeURIComponent s)))) ``` According to [mdn]( these characters "- _...
Same for me although slightly different error:- ``` [Privacy Manifest Aggregation] Appending aggregated reasons to existing PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy file. [Privacy Manifest Aggregation] Reading .xcprivacy files to aggregate all used Required Reason...
@sshropshire I don't know if this helps at all, but in our React Native app (on the Android side of things) we've switched to using Android's [SplashScreen]( API. This required...
@m-s-morgan, @sshropshire apologies but my knowledge about the Android eco system is a little sketchy hence the use of React Native :) (which has served me well until hitting issues...
@sshropshire any update on this please? i'd like to understand why my app crashes when the Braintree SDK launches the 3DS challenge. All I've done is incorporate the necessary changes...
@sshropshire really appreciate your work on this! I've been on annual leave so only just seen the new release, I'll get onto it as soon as I can and confirm,...