DeepRule copied to clipboard
KeyError: Pretrain
Hello. I'm hoping I'm overlooking something obvious from this repo. I'm trying to run:
python --cfg_file CornerNetLine --data_dir "linedata(1028)"
But the error I'm receiving is:
(DeepRule) PS C:\Users\lemon\OneDrive\Documents\GitHub\ChartOCR> python --cfg_file CornerNetLine --data_dir "linedata(1028)"
{'system': {'snapshot_name': 'CornerNetLine', 'dataset': 'Line', 'batch_size': 26, 'sampling_function': 'kp_detection', 'train_split': 'trainchart', 'val_split': 'valchart', 'test_split': 'testchart', 'learning_rate': 0.00025, 'decay_rate': 10, 'val_iter': 100, 'opt_algo': 'adam', 'prefetch_size': 5, 'max_iter': 50000, 'stepsize': 45000, 'snapshot': 5000, 'chunk_sizes': [5, 7, 7, 7], 'data_dir': '$AZUREML_DATAREFERENCE_workspaceblobstore/chartdata(0610)/', 'cache_dir': './cache_pure/', 'display': 5}, 'db': {'rand_scale_min': 0.6, 'rand_scale_max': 1.4, 'rand_scale_step': 0.1, 'rand_scales': None, 'rand_crop': True, 'rand_color': True, 'border': 128, 'gaussian_bump': True, 'gaussian_iou': 0.3, 'input_size': [511, 511], 'output_sizes': [[128, 128]], 'test_scales': [1], 'top_k': 200, 'categories': 1, 'ae_threshold': 0.5, 'nms_threshold': 0.5, 'max_per_image': 100, 'annotations': 'line/annotations/instancesLine(1023)_train2019.json'}}
['cache', 'line']
loading all datasets...
using 1 threads
loading from cache file: linedata(1028)\cache\line_train2019.pkl
loading annotations into memory...
Path to file: C:\Users\lemon\OneDrive\Documents\GitHub\ChartOCR\linedata(1028)\line\annotations\instancesLine(1023)_train2019.json
Done (t=3.71s)
creating index...
index created!
loading from cache file: linedata(1028)\cache\line_val2019.pkl
loading annotations into memory...
Path to file: C:\Users\lemon\OneDrive\Documents\GitHub\ChartOCR\linedata(1028)\line\annotations\instancesLine(1023)_val2019.json
Done (t=0.12s)
creating index...
index created!
system config...
{'batch_size': 26,
'cache_dir': 'linedata(1028)\cache',
'chunk_sizes': [5, 7, 7, 7],
'config_dir': 'config',
'data_dir': 'linedata(1028)',
'data_rng': RandomState(MT19937) at 0x11108D6D140,
'dataset': 'Line',
'decay_rate': 10,
'display': 5,
'learning_rate': 0.00025,
'max_iter': 50000,
'nnet_rng': RandomState(MT19937) at 0x11108D6D240,
'opt_algo': 'adam',
'prefetch_size': 5,
'result_dir': 'results',
'sampling_function': 'kp_detection',
'snapshot': 5000,
'snapshot_name': 'CornerNetLine',
'stepsize': 45000,
'tar_data_dir': 'cls',
'test_split': 'testchart',
'train_split': 'trainchart',
'val_iter': 100,
'val_split': 'valchart'}
db config...
{'ae_threshold': 0.5,
'border': 128,
'categories': 1,
'data_aug': True,
'gaussian_bump': True,
'gaussian_iou': 0.3,
'gaussian_radius': -1,
'input_size': [511, 511],
'lighting': True,
'max_per_image': 100,
'merge_bbox': False,
'nms_algorithm': 'exp_soft_nms',
'nms_kernel': 3,
'nms_threshold': 0.5,
'output_sizes': [[128, 128]],
'rand_color': True,
'rand_crop': True,
'rand_pushes': False,
'rand_samples': False,
'rand_scale_max': 1.4,
'rand_scale_min': 0.6,
'rand_scale_step': 0.1,
'rand_scales': array([0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1. , 1.1, 1.2, 1.3]),
'special_crop': False,
'test_scales': [1],
'top_k': 200,
'weight_exp': 8}
len of db: 116745
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\lemon\OneDrive\Documents\GitHub\ChartOCR\", line 206, in
My inkling is that it's not loading a pretrained model in config, however if that's the case, I have no idea which file is the pretrained file in this repo. Or when I go to comment it out to run without the pretrained parameters, it'll give me the same error as well. I'm a bit new to all of this so any help is much appreciate it.