
Results 127 comments of Ray

Could you please share your `tsconfig.json`?

Your `vueCompilerOptions` is outdated. Replace ```json "skipTemplateCodegen": false, // For Volar Extension "plugins": [ "@volar/vue-language-plugin-pug" ], ``` with ```json "plugins": [ "@vue/language-plugin-pug" ], ···

And the latest version of Volar is 2.0.6 (v1 is 1.8.27). Please make sure the plugin version matches your Volar version.

Please provide a reproduction

![image](https://github.com/vuejs/language-tools/assets/58381667/86e30705-a07d-4a62-b004-37545676df39) Works on my machine?

Sure, I'll add it later. I need to handle newlines first :(

The tests are failing but I don't know why. > Could we also have a test for https://github.com/vuejs/language-tools/pull/3891? I tried to, but it seemed to only occur when using language-tools...