memes copied to clipboard
helper to convert ame sequences to GRanges
Need to think about this some more & get feedback. If not using shuffled input it becomes difficult to label the regions by whether they're input or control sequences.
Possible solution modify get_sequences
to add an optional ID label which users must use to convert sequences easily??? Seems too complicated.
# Attempt at writing sequence converter for AME results
ame_analysis_seq <- peaks %>%
resize(200, "center") %>%
get_sequence(dm.genome) %>%
runAme(evalue_report_threshold = 30, sequences = TRUE)
ame_analysis_seq$sequences[[1]] %>%
tidyr::separate(seq_id, c("pos", 'type'), sep = "_") %>%
# what about partitioning or background/control?
# when using paritioning or control fasta, there is no ID appended after sequence info,
# so no easy way to label them.... need to think about this
dplyr::mutate(type = dplyr::case_when( ~ "input",
type == "shuf" ~ "shuffle")) %>%
dat <- .
ranges <- GRanges(.$pos)
mcols(ranges) <- dat %>%