
Results 14 issues of snpmyn


Why @Optional is not useful ?

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It is recommended to refer to the following process before submitting issues: If you still cannot solve your problem, you can submit your issue according to the following template Please...


AAPT: error: duplicate value for resource 'attr/drawableTintMode' with config ''

# Issues Guideline Following information can help us to resolve the issue faster. * Library version * Support-v4 version * Logs * Screenshots 使用replaceFragment由A切换至B,B页面出现A页面的内容,重叠显示。 **In addition, we do not accept...

原因出现在适配器构造方法中: ``` public ZhiHuPagerFragmentAdapter(FragmentManager fm, String... titles) { super(fm, FragmentPagerAdapter.BEHAVIOR_RESUME_ONLY_CURRENT_FRAGMENT); mTitles = titles; } ``` 去掉`FragmentPagerAdapter.BEHAVIOR_RESUME_ONLY_CURRENT_FRAGMENT`,显示正常,但是提示方法过时;加上则金色星星图标显示紊乱。

### Environment - [x] Autosize Version: - [ ] 你好!反馈一个问题。在使用了该框架后,使用 MaterialDesignAlertDialogBuilder 创建的对话框不居中,而是向右偏移。 - [x] Target Android Version: - [ ] 你好!反馈一个问题。在使用了该框架后,使用 MaterialDesignAlertDialogBuilder 创建的对话框不居中,而是向右偏移。 - [x] Device Model: - [ ]...

可以出一个 Android 版本吗?