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An AWS Lambda function in Scala reading events from Amazon Kinesis and writing event counts to DynamoDB
AWS Lambda Scala Example Project
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This is an example [AWS Lambda] aws-lambda Scala application for processing a [Kinesis] aws-kinesis stream of events ([introductory blog post] blog-post). It reads the stream of simple JSON events generated by our event generator. Our AWS Lambda function aggregates and buckets events and stores them in [DynamoDB] aws-dynamodb.
This was built by the Data Science team at [Snowplow Analytics] snowplow, who use AWS Lambda in their projects.
Running this requires an Amazon AWS account, and will incur charges.
See also: AWS Lambda Node.js Project | Spark Streaming Example Project
We have implemented a super-simple analytics-on-write stream processing job using AWS Lambda. Our AWS Lambda function, written in Scala that runs on the Java8 JVM, reads a Kinesis stream containing events in a JSON format:
"timestamp": "2015-06-05T12:54:43.064528",
"eventType": "Green",
"id": "4ec80fb1-0963-4e35-8f54-ce760499d974"
Our job counts the events by eventType
and aggregates these counts into 1 minute buckets. The job then takes these aggregates and saves them into a table in DynamoDB:
Developer Quickstart
Assuming git, [Vagrant] vagrant-install and [VirtualBox] virtualbox-install installed:
host$ git clone
host$ cd aws-lambda-scala-example-project
host$ vagrant up && vagrant ssh
guest$ cd /vagrant
guest# sbt assembly
You can follow along in [the release blog post] blog-post to get the project up and running yourself.
The following steps assume that you are running inside Vagrant, as per the Developer Quickstart above.
1. Setting up AWS credentials
First we need to configure a default AWS profile:
$ aws configure
AWS Access Key ID [None]: ...
AWS Secret Access Key [None]: ...
Default region name [None]: us-east-1
Default output format [None]: json
2. Setup Amazon Kinesis, DynamoDB, and IAM Role
Now we create our Kinesis event stream:
$ inv create_kinesis_stream my-stream
Kinesis Stream [my-stream] not active yet
Kinesis Stream [my-stream] not active yet
Kinesis Stream [my-stream] not active yet
Kinesis successfully created.
Now create our DynamoDB table:
$ inv create_dynamodb_table default us-east-1 my-table
Now we can create our IAM role. We will be using [CloudFormation] [cloudformation] to make our new role. Using inv create_role
, we can create it like so:
$ inv create_role
Creating roles
Still creating
Giving Lambda proper permissions
Created role
3. Build the Scala project jar
Let's build our Scala project into a fully self contained jar file.
$ sbt assembly
info] Loading project definition from /aws-lambda-scala-example-project/project
[info] Set current project to aws-lambda-scala-example-project (in build file:/aws-lambda-scala-example-project/)
[info] Including from cache: scala-reflect-2.11.4.jar
[warn] Merging 'rootdoc.txt' with strategy 'first'
[warn] Strategy 'discard' was applied to 62 files
[warn] Strategy 'first' was applied to a file
[info] SHA-1: 96401bbad71968267ccea4c479a7d39093ef8988
[info] Packaging /Volumes/DataDrive/dev/aws-lambda-scala-example-project/target/scala-2.11/aws-lambda-scala-example-project-0.2.0.jar ...
[info] Done packaging.
[success] Total time: 59 s, completed 13-Aug-2015 10:40:05 AM
4. Upload project jar to Amazon S3.
We will create a S3 Bucket for the jar file to be picked up by AWS Lambda. We will upload the jar file to the Amazon S3 service using our custom uploader inv upload_s3
$ inv upload_s3
Jar uploaded to S3 aws_scala_lambda_bucket
5. Configure AWS Lambda service
Now that we have built the project, and uploaded the jar file to the AWS Lambda service, we need to configure the Lambda service to watch for event traffic from our AWS Kinesis stream named my-stream
$ inv create_lambda
Creating AWS Lambda function.
"FunctionName": "ProcessingKinesisLambdaDynamoDB",
"CodeSize": 38042279,
"MemorySize": 1024,
"FunctionArn": "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:842349429716:function:ProcessingKinesisLambdaDynamoDB",
"Handler": "com.snowplowanalytics.awslambda.LambdaFunction::recordHandler",
"Role": "arn:aws:iam::842340234716:role/LambdaStack-LambdaExecRole-7G57P4M2VV5P",
"Timeout": 60,
"LastModified": "2015-08-13T19:39:46.730+0000",
"Runtime": "java8",
"Description": ""
Now we can associate our Lambda with our Kinesis stream:
$ inv configure_lambda my-stream
Configured AWS Lambda service.
Added Kinesis as event source for Lambda function.
6. Sending events to Kinesis
We need to start sending events to our new Kinesis stream. We have created a helper method to do this - run the below and leave it running:
$ inv generate_events default us-east-1 my-stream
Event sent to Kinesis: {"timestamp": "2015-06-05T12:54:43.064528", "type": "Green", "id": "4ec80fb1-0963-4e35-8f54-ce760499d974"}
Event sent to Kinesis: {"timestamp": "2015-06-05T12:54:43.757797", "type": "Red", "id": "eb84b0d1-f793-4213-8a65-2fb09eab8c5c"}
Event sent to Kinesis: {"timestamp": "2015-06-05T12:54:44.295972", "type": "Yellow", "id": "4654bdc8-86d4-44a3-9920-fee7939e2582"}
7. Monitoring your job
First head over to the AWS Lambda service console, then review the logs in CloudWatch.
Finally, let's check the data in our DynamoDB table. Make sure you are in the correct AWS region, then click on my-table
and hit the Explore Table
For each BucketStart and EventType pair, we see a Count, plus some CreatedAt and UpdatedAt metadata for debugging purposes. Our bucket size is 1 minute, and we have 5 discrete event types, hence the matrix of rows that we see.
- Ian Meyers and his Amazon Kinesis Aggregators project, a true inspiration for streaming analytics-on-write
Copyright and license
AWS Lambda Scala Example Project is copyright 2015 Snowplow Analytics Ltd.
Licensed under the [Apache License, Version 2.0] license (the "License"); you may not use this software except in compliance with the License.
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.