Greg Weng
Greg Weng
Goal: define SMCGlobal, SMCLocal and SMCLang.
When I execute the installed `hsenv`, it will generate nothing in the `.hsenv/bin` dir and dump errors both in log and stderr : ``` _( from sterr )_ Creating Virtual...
We should operate a foxbox on IaaS or a standalone server, which use [noVNC]( to provide a forwarded emulator interface with standard Web technologies, and let user be able to...
This is a bug need to be solved, if we want to automate the building process.
Because the syntax of `*.lhs` is different from the normal Haskell file's, we can't just let vim recognize `*.lhs` as `*.hs` to solve this problem.
Because WebRTC concerns too much asynchronous but related steps.
For those polling required method, we should add a polling method like this: ``` IO().polling('/wait_something', 400, 3, check).done() ``` It means polling the server with endpoint '/wait_something' every 400ms, and...
From this: var foo = function() {/_..._/} to this: var foo = function foo() {/_..._/}
At this moment introducing complete but complex type checking rules isn't proper. We should implement a simple enough but useful type checking mechanism to prevent some obvious but hardly to...
Even after a context function had been defined, we're still able to wrap it in some other scripts like this: ``` // ... some other necessary code ... var existing...