Greg Weng
Greg Weng
Check StateMonad.acto (VarName -> MonadSMCLocals F P VarName). ``` In environment F, P : UU0 VarName : eqType The term "VarName -> MonadSMCLocals F P VarName" has type "Type@{max(Equality.type.u0,MonadSMCLocals.u0)}" while ...
Ok, after tracing codes and doing some testings, the problem seems caused by Cabal 1.14 ( or something else effecting it ) , which will print the depends twice ....
After I remove the `Cabal` package installed by `cabal-install` , the problem disappeared. So I think the `ghc-pkg` shows two `Cabal` 's depends at the same output. And why my...
I think the best solution is to modify related codes in `parsePkgInfo`, and make it more robust. Maybe adding a filter to get rid of those duplicated info is the...
I've successfully built the emulator on a experimental docker container. Don't know why, but docker provide more stable network performance while it do the repo sync. However, I can't provide...
These two errors: ``` error: Exited sync due to fetch errors Repo sync failed ``` cause the box can't build anything, even after 5+ retries.
I gave up it temporarily and launch a GCE instance to test, and found that the network really affected the building. In foxbox it just failed again and again, and...
This issue can be solved by separating function name an the context's name, which currently are combined in the same string to display. And the debugger can get and print...
Some strange errors still occurs. Considering every sub UI chain should use new `tie` instead of find..end sub context.