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Thought: We sometimes don't need to distinct Overlay and Connect
I did not found a better title, but here is the idea.
Reading the Algebra.Graph
code, I found there was some functions using foldg
with the same two last arguments.
For example:
While searching for improvements, I thought that there was actually a duplication of information:
and Connect
both kinda join two graphs.
So I came to
data Graph a = Empty
| Vertex a
| Cons Op (Graph a) (Graph a)
deriving (Foldable, Functor, Show, Traversable)
data Op = Overlay | Connect deriving (Show)
(Once again I am bad for names)
You only have to change
overlay = Cons Overlay
connect = Cons Connect
and then replace every occurrence of the constructor by these counterpart.
It allows to define:
foldg' :: b -> (a -> b) -> (b -> b -> b) -> Graph a -> b
foldg' e v o = go
go Empty = e
go (Vertex x ) = v x
go (Cons _ x y) = o (go x) (go y)
Which is faster than foldg (hasVertex is about 1.40 times faster for example using hasEdge = foldg' False (==x) (||)
Uses can no more play with constructors, at least not simply.
Foldg become a bit less efficient. I had to redefine
induce :: (a -> Bool) -> Graph a -> Graph a
induce p = go
go (Cons o x y) = case go x of
Empty -> go y
x' -> case go y of
Empty -> x'
y' -> Cons o x' y'
go (Vertex x) = if p x then Vertex x else Empty
go Empty = Empty
is 1.2
times better in the actual library than with this change, but hasEdge
become faster of 2
times. I don't now yet why.
There is I think more Cons than Pros, but it can worth some investigation
@nobrakal Interesting! Yes, of course you can represent graphs (or any algebraic expressions) simply by trees labelled with operators. In fact, this is similar to what I plan to use for labelled graphs :-)
See here:
There is one important advantage of the current data type that you didn't mention: its constructors exactly correspond to the algebra of graphs.
This also brings us back to the question: do we need to export the constructors? Maybe we shouldn't. Then we'll be free to choose whatever internal representation we like, including yours.
However, I still prefer to keep the 'vanilla' version of the data type in the library simply because it emerges so naturally from the underlying mathematics.
If the goal is, however, to find the most efficient representation possible, I'm quite sure it will actually be something else and it will be complex -- more complex than what you suggest. There is also a relevant discussion here:
In fact, this is similar to what I plan to use for labelled graphs :-)
Haha, I missed this!
This also brings us back to the question: do we need to export the constructors?
Finally, maybe exporting constructors is not the right idea to have.
With some GHC hack, we can allow pattern-matching without constructors, using for example ViewPatterns
Yes, ViewPatterns
may be the way to go.
An other option is PatternSynonyms. It is much more like what we need to hide constructors, it provide synonyms.
There is a naming problem: A pattern cannot have the same name as the constructor... But one can pose:
data Graph a = EmptyG
| VertexG a
| OverlayG (Graph a) (Graph a)
| ConnectG (Graph a) (Graph a)
deriving (Foldable, Functor, Show, Traversable)
pattern Empty :: Graph a
pattern Empty = EmptyG
pattern Vertex :: a -> Graph a
pattern Vertex a = VertexG a
pattern Overlay :: Graph a -> Graph a -> Graph a
pattern Overlay a b = OverlayG a b
pattern Connect :: Graph a -> Graph a -> Graph a
pattern Connect a b = ConnectG a b
{-# COMPLETE Empty, Vertex, Overlay, Connect #-}
Some advantages:
- They can be used to construct graphs effectively, so they can even replace lower-cased aliases.
- They can be a part of the Graph class definition.
Yes, this is a promising approach.
While we're thinking about a more efficient internal representation, I think it is also important to consider packing arguments to multi-way +
and *
into lists. You then end up with something like this:
data Operator = Overlay | Connect
data Graph a = Leaf a | Node Operator [Graph a]
empty = Node Overlay []
vertex = Leaf
overlays = Node Overlay
connects = Node Connect
This works thanks to the associativity of both operators.
I played a bit this afternoon and came to:
data Operator = OverlayG | ConnectG deriving (Eq,Show)
data Graph a = Leaf a | Node Operator [Graph a]
deriving (Foldable, Functor, Show, Traversable)
pattern Empty :: Graph a
pattern Empty <- Node _ [] where
Empty = Node OverlayG []
pattern Vertex :: a -> Graph a
pattern Vertex a = Leaf a
pattern Overlay :: Graph a -> Graph a -> Graph a
pattern Overlay a b <- (view -> Node OverlayG [a,b]) where
Overlay a b = Node OverlayG [a,b]
pattern Connect :: Graph a -> Graph a -> Graph a
pattern Connect a b <- (view -> Node ConnectG [a,b]) where
Connect a b = Node ConnectG [a,b]
{-# COMPLETE Empty, Vertex, Overlay, Connect #-}
{-# COMPLETE Empty, Vertex, Node #-}
view :: Graph a -> Graph a
view (Node c [a,b]) = Node c [a,b]
view (Node c (x:xs)) = Node c [x,Node c xs]
view g = g
This is passing tests, combining view patterns and patterns synonyms can lead to some interesting results ^^.
Sadly, I think this will slow down the whole thing, since the traditional foldg will not be so efficient !
The results of the bench suite, even using custom foldg like the don't require the Connect of Overlay information, for example, I redefined hasVertex
foldg'' :: b -> (a -> b) -> ([b] -> b) -> Graph a -> b
foldg'' e v o = go
go Empty = e
go (Vertex x ) = v x
go (Node _ xs) = o $ map go xs
hasVertex :: Eq a => a -> Graph a -> Bool
hasVertex x = foldg'' False (==x) or
The result of the benchmarking suite
isEmpty: 0.97
vertexList: 2.33
vertexCount: 2.25
hasVertex: 1.58
edgeCount: 1.94
edgeList: 1.45
hasEdge: 1.63
addEdge: 2.03
addVertex: 2.68
removeVertex: 1.50
We might call such folds "blindfolds" :-)
Are numbers > 1 good? I'm sure I'll keep forgetting that :D Maybe should add (good)
, (bad)
to the table!
By the way, have you also done overlays = Node Overlay
and connects = Node Connect
? That should give a good speed up.
I added a small reminder:
Comparing Alga to AlgaOld . It means that the displayed number will be k such that Alga = k * AlgaOld
So these are very bad values ^^. I just saw that I haven't changed rnf
, so maybe when I used pattern matching, it slowed down the whole thing.
I tired with more specialized foldg
but I am not able to obtain descent results
I have pushed the try here:
A bench is running:
It means that the displayed number will be k such that Alga = k * AlgaOld
I'm afraid this doesn't help me, still takes me a while to understand =) Why not add obvious (good)
labels instead? If you want to get fancy, you could also add (OK)
when 0.9 < k < 1.1
vertexList: 1.92
It's quite surprising to see such a slowdown here. We should be doing less work to traverse a tree and find all vertices -- do you have any ideas why this happens? By the way, it may be useful to test the whole Algebra.Graph
API in the regression suite.
Why not add obvious (good)/(bad) labels instead?
It is done now :)
do you have any ideas why this happens?
Corrected now, it was again a problem with foldl :) Now vertexList
is a bit faster:
Description: Produce a list of the vertices in the graph
1 | 10 | 100 | 1000 | |
Alga | 42.71 ns | 312.1 ns | 314.5 ns | 736.2 ns |
AlgaOld | 45.18 ns | 368.3 ns | 371.9 ns | 695.7 ns |
1 | 10 | 100 | 1000 | |
Alga | 42.62 ns | 1.977 μs | 341.9 μs | 68.43 ms |
AlgaOld | 45.30 ns | 2.367 μs | 442.3 μs | 99.67 ms |
- Alga was the fastest 5 times
There was 3 ex-aequo
ABSTRACT: (Based on an average of the ratio between largest benchmarks)
- Alga was 1.15 times faster than AlgaOld
My induce
is still not convincing:
foldgWithoutEmpty' :: (a -> b) -> ([b] -> b) -> ([b] -> b) -> Graph a -> b
foldgWithoutEmpty' f o c = go
go (Leaf a) = f a
go (Node co xs) = case co of
OverlayG -> o $ map go xs
_ -> c $ map go xs
induce :: (a -> Bool) -> Graph a -> Graph a
induce p = foldgWithoutEmpty' (\x -> if p x then Vertex x else Empty) (overlays . filter k) (connects . filter k)
k (Node _ []) = False -- Constant folding to get rid of Empty leaves
k _ = True
Description: Remove a vertex of the graph
1 | 10 | 100 | 1000 | |
Alga | 33.06 ns | 522.7 ns | 529.2 ns | 1.395 μs |
AlgaOld | 35.66 ns | 368.3 ns | 362.4 ns | 925.7 ns |
1 | 10 | 100 | 1000 | |
Alga | 32.52 ns | 4.863 μs | 561.3 μs | 61.48 ms |
AlgaOld | 34.27 ns | 3.098 μs | 456.6 μs | 172.5 ms |
- AlgaOld was the fastest 10 times
- Alga was the fastest 2 times
There was 4 ex-aequo
ABSTRACT: (Based on an average of the ratio between largest benchmarks)
- Alga was 1.07 times faster than AlgaOld
By the way, it may be useful to test the whole Algebra.Graph API in the regression suite.
Yeah of course. I don't really now where to do that (because I need to extend the configuration file in haskell-perf/graph
). Here ? In nobrakal/benchAlgaPr
(I am not satisfied with this repo).
Thanks @nobrakal!
Perhaps, for foldgWithoutEmpty'
you need to use parameter Operator -> [b] -> b
instead? That might lead to a more efficient code.
Ooops, I spent some time to figure out the the bench-suite was broken. A mesh wasn't a real mesh !
Here is the corrected times:
Description: Remove a vertex of the graph
1000 | |
Alga | 195.8 μs |
AlgaOld | 185.9 μs |
1000 | |
Alga | 55.75 ms |
AlgaOld | 163.2 ms |
1000 | |
Alga | 98.39 μs |
AlgaOld | 89.24 μs |
- Alga was the fastest 2 times
- AlgaOld was the fastest 2 times
There was 2 ex-aequo
ABSTRACT: (Based on an average of the ratio between largest benchmarks)
- Alga was 1.20 times faster than AlgaOld
So there is a surprising drop for clique. Again, strangely,
induce :: (a -> Bool) -> Graph a -> Graph a
induce p = go
go (Leaf a) = if p a then Leaf a else Empty
go (Node co xs) = Node co $ filter k $ map go xs
k (Node _ []) = False -- Constant folding to get rid of Empty leaves
k _ = True
Is not faster, it is worse:
Description: Remove a vertex of the graph
1000 | |
Alga | 224.7 μs |
AlgaOld | 169.3 μs |
1000 | |
Alga | 68.39 ms |
AlgaOld | 169.2 ms |
1000 | |
Alga | 116.9 μs |
AlgaOld | 80.39 μs |
- AlgaOld was the fastest 4 times
- Alga was the fastest 2 times
ABSTRACT: (Based on an average of the ratio between largest benchmarks)
- AlgaOld was 1.06 times faster than Alga
Perhaps, for foldgWithoutEmpty' you need to use parameter Operator -> [b] -> b instead? That might lead to a more efficient code.
What do you mean ?
What do you mean?
I mean the function signature should be:
foldgWithoutEmpty' :: (a -> b) -> (Operator -> [b] -> b) -> Graph a -> b
foldgWithoutEmpty' v op g = ...
The function op
here deals with both types of nodes, so one of the conditionals (checking the operator of the current node) disappears/is pushed inside the function.
Yep you were right, it boost a bit performances, but nothing extraordinary:
foldgWithoutEmpty' :: (a -> b) -> (Operator -> [b] -> b) -> Graph a -> b
foldgWithoutEmpty' f h = go
go (Leaf a) = f a
go (Node co xs) = h co $ map go xs
induce :: (a -> Bool) -> Graph a -> Graph a
induce p = foldgWithoutEmpty' (\x -> if p x then Vertex x else Empty) (\co t -> Node co $ filter k t)
k (Node _ []) = False -- Constant folding to get rid of Empty leaves
k _ = True
Description: Remove a vertex of the graph
1 | 10 | 100 | 1000 | |
Alga | 38.59 ns | 1.350 μs | 19.11 μs | 207.2 μs |
AlgaOld | 41.80 ns | 1.072 μs | 14.01 μs | 170.5 μs |
1 | 10 | 100 | 1000 | |
Alga | 39.35 ns | 4.519 μs | 539.3 μs | 60.47 ms |
AlgaOld | 41.96 ns | 3.419 μs | 445.9 μs | 155.9 ms |
1 | 10 | 100 | 1000 | |
Alga | 112.6 ns | 1.039 μs | 10.68 μs | 104.9 μs |
AlgaOld | 82.09 ns | 857.2 ns | 7.770 μs | 79.26 μs |
- AlgaOld was the fastest 17 times
- Alga was the fastest 4 times
There was 3 ex-aequo
ABSTRACT: (Based on an average of the ratio between largest benchmarks)
- Alga was 1.03 times faster than AlgaOld
Again, this is a problem with edges
. Maybe I should change the comparing script to use the alga representation instead of edges
, but edges
is what users will use.
The same code benchmarked using alga's clique:
1000 | |
Alga | 29.79 μs |
AlgaOld | 34.93 μs |
I agree: edges
is very often used to construct graphs, so we shouldn't assume graph expressions are coming in a better shape.
So I don't know if we can make a better induce
here (and because all the graphs structures are similar when building with edges, our induce is faster on very big lists nested inside a Node
Note that the implementation described in shows great results here
### Clique
#### 1000
##### (0,1)
| || Time | R² |
| Alga || 76.30 ns | 1.000 |
| AlgaOld || 93.11 ms | 0.898 |
##### (292,820)
| || Time | R² |
| Alga || 18.99 ms | 0.971 |
| AlgaOld || 95.07 ms | 0.970 |
##### (997,999)
| || Time | R² |
| Alga || 45.77 ms | 0.996 |
| AlgaOld || 88.05 ms | 0.974 |
##### (0,0)
| || Time | R² |
| Alga || 32.41 ms | 0.999 |
| AlgaOld || 90.33 ms | 0.978 |
##### (1,0)
| || Time | R² |
| Alga || 45.26 ms | 1.000 |
| AlgaOld || 92.34 ms | 0.979 |
##### (1,1)
| || Time | R² |
| Alga || 31.54 ms | 1.000 |
| AlgaOld || 90.06 ms | 0.980 |
Even with an algebraic clique:
### Clique
#### 1000
##### (0,1)
| || Time | R² |
| Alga || 71.73 ns | 0.995 |
| AlgaOld || 48.15 μs | 1.000 |
##### (292,820)
| || Time | R² |
| Alga || 16.92 μs | 1.000 |
| AlgaOld || 53.08 μs | 1.000 |
##### (997,999)
| || Time | R² |
| Alga || 33.32 μs | 0.999 |
| AlgaOld || 53.66 μs | 1.000 |
##### (0,0)
| || Time | R² |
| Alga || 26.77 μs | 1.000 |
| AlgaOld || 48.66 μs | 1.000 |
##### (1,0)
| || Time | R² |
| Alga || 28.30 μs | 1.000 |
| AlgaOld || 48.14 μs | 1.000 |
##### (1,1)
| || Time | R² |
| Alga || 95.58 ns | 0.996 |
| AlgaOld || 48.75 μs | 1.000 |
Interesting, that's an impressive speed up.