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Sparse Auto Encoder and regular MNIST classification with mini batch's


What have we done

  • We have create an MNIST classification solver with mini batches and more.
  • After the training step we reached 96% accuracy on the test data-set.
  • The network architecture was constructed out of 3 layer:
    • 784 to 30 Neurons
    • 30 to 10 Neurons
    • 10 to 10 Neurons
  • On this step we took the same network and created an Auto-Encoder
    • 784 to 100 Neurons (encode layer)
    • 100 to 784 Neurons (decode layer)
  • Implemented K-Sparse logic on middle layer (encode layer)
  • We visualized the weights of the encode layer for different K valu

Sparse AutoEncoder

  • k-Sparse Autoencoders finds the k highest activations in z (hidden layer) and zeros out the rest.
  • The error is then backpropogated only through the k active nodes in z.
  • In the following example k equals 2

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Our results for different K value

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How to use

  • main_mnist.py - is the main runnable example, you can easily choose between running a simple MNIST classification or a K-Sparse AutoEncoder task.
  • auto_encoder_3.ipynb - this is the Jupiter example, we used it to show the K-Sparse code and graphs in an easy fashion.