CoffeeConsole icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
CoffeeConsole copied to clipboard

Can't load unpackaged

Open joeldrapper opened this issue 11 years ago • 2 comments

I'm trying to load this into Chrome unpackaged so I can make some edits, but I can't seem to get it to work. It seems to load in fine, but then just doesn't appear in the developer tools. Any idea why that might be?

joeldrapper avatar Dec 21 '12 09:12 joeldrapper

Had the same issue, so I just did edits blind.

diwu1989 avatar Mar 25 '13 01:03 diwu1989

Please carefully read the readme and then you can find the answer.


   * Drop the coffeeconsole.crx file into the Chrome browser. 
   * Load the Web Inspector and click on CoffeeConsole

yuncn avatar Sep 13 '13 00:09 yuncn