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Permanently replaces phrases in Wordpress?
Hi, not sure if this is a bug or if it's just the cost of using the app... As Snipe already knows, I covered the app over at the website I write for, Geekosystem, and somehow over the course of editing the article I wrote in our Wordpress-based back end, it looks like the app permanently replaced all the original examples I used?`
For example, I very vividly remember typing the word "literally" at one point in our coverage, and after a tip from another commenter I decided to go back in and check and it had changed to "figuratively," EVEN when the app was off and deleted from my Chrome browser -- which means that it somehow changed the text IN the article. I guess I just hadn't noticed before because the app was on last time I checked on the article!
Has anyone else run into this problem at all? I'm going to have to keep the app off my browser in the meantime since unfortunately I DO use those phrases every once in a while during work (I just really like the word amazing, okay).
Either way, it's an awesome concept, so keep up the good work! Maybe this'll just be something I have to avoid on an individual basis as a member of the ~media~ or whatever.
I tested this out in my browser using WordPress and the app and I think I know what happened.
- You wrote your post and published it (or saved it as a draft, etc)
- You hit "edit post". When the text loaded in the online editor, Downworthy changed all the occurrences of words it has alternate definitions for in the online editor itself.
- Once you published it, it published with all of the changes Downworthy made for you.
As the extension is written right now, I think this is expected behavior (it looks at all text it can find and changes it). The way Wordpress has its online editor written doesn't prevent Downworthy from changing it, and there's nothing in Downworthy's code that keeps it from changing this.
Your post sparked an idea that I'll try to whip up in my spare time: make a "blacklist" of pages you never want Downworthy to run on, which seems like a sufficient workaround for the issue you've had.