Jens Alfke
Jens Alfke
FYI, related issues/enhancements: * [(Automatically) Create partial indexes with NOT NULL to reduce index size]( * [Explicit partial indexes](
Here's the query, copied from the forum thread: ---- ```swift QueryBuilder.Select(SelectResult.Expression(Expression.Property(nameof(Order.RowId)).From("O"))) .From(DataSource.Database(Manager.MainDb.Database).As("H")) .Join(Join.InnerJoin(DataSource.Database(Manager.MainDb.Database).As("O")) On(Expression.Property(nameof(Order.CurrentTaskId)).From("O").EqualTo(Expression.Property(nameof(OrderHistory.OrderRowId)).From("H")))) .Where(DatabaseBase.CreateWhereDocumentTypeEquals(nameof(OrderHistory), "H") .And(Expression.Property(nameof(OrderHistory.CompleteDate)).From("H").IsNullOrMissing())) ``` Which give this using Explain(): `SELECT fl_result(fl_value("O".body, 'RowId')) FROM kv_default AS "H"...
Yeah, this isn't a true workaround, but it gives another data point. In general, the "primary key" of your data should be stored as the documentID. That's because * The...
Yes, because `Database.getDocument()` needs to be fast. (Internally, the documentID is the primary key of the SQLite table that stores the documents.)
It would need to be prioritized by our project management. That's driven in part by customer demand, so if you're a Couchbase customer you should definitely let your SE know...
The Jenkins tests failed because I forgot to push the LiteCore-EE repo changes. Retrying...
I am absolutely not an expert on signals, but I'm pretty sure that a signal that terminates the process will still terminate it even if a thread is blocked in...
BTW, I just remembered that I've seen this interruption behavior in our project — I once hit a breakpoint on one thread while a different thread was connecting to a...
`fmem` only provides a FILE that reads/writes a memory buffer. If we used that, the memory usage would be the same as our non-stream-based blob API, since the entire blob...