VocabTree2 copied to clipboard
Vocabulary Tree Code
VocabTree2, by Noah Snavely ([email protected])
To build the VocabTree2 library, just do "make" from the top-level directory.
This code is distributed under a FreeBSD license. See the source code for details.
Unfortunately, I can't assist much with problems with the code.
If you find this code useful for your project, please cite the following paper:
Sameer Agarwal, Noah Snavely, Ian Simon, Steven M. Seitz and Richard Szeliski. "Building Rome in a Day." In Proc. ICCV 2009.
How to run
This code works with SIFT keys in the format produced by David Lowe's sift binary. There are three tools provided:
- VocabLearn: build a vocabulary tree from a set of key files using k-means
- VocabBuildDB: build an image database from a set of key files and a tree
- VocabMatch: match an image to a database and retrieve a set of top matches
Example usages:
Usage: VocabLearn list.in depth branching_factor restarts tree.out
- list.in contains a list of key files, one per line, with each key
file in Lowe's format.
- depth -- depth of tree. 0 indicates a flat tree.
- branching_factor -- number of children each non-leaf node.
- restarts -- number of trials in each run of k-means.
- tree.out -- name of output tree.
Learn a flat vocabulary tree with 500K visual words using the SIFT keys in list.txt
Store the results in tree.500K.out
./VocabLearn/VocabLearn list.txt 0 500000 1 tree.500K.out
Usage: VocabBuildDB list.in tree.in db.out [use_tfidf:1] [normalize:1] [start_id:0] [distance_type:1]
./VocabBuildDB/VocabBuildDB list.txt tree.500K.out vocab.db
Usage: VocabMatch db.in list.in query.in num_nbrs matches.out [distance_type:1] [normalize:1]
./VocabMatch/VocabMatch vocab.db list.txt query.txt 2 matches.txt