CAT copied to clipboard
Distilling doesn't work as expected.
Since the last question, #24, I tried 512x512 resolution training for both teacher and student models. I found that the teacher model in 512x512 works fine, but student training is not working. I wonder if I can get some hints why
Tfake img
Sfake img (274/1000 epoch)
training options
!python --dataroot database/face2smile \
--model cycle_gan \
--log_dir logs/cycle_gan/face2smile/teacher_512 \
--netG inception_9blocks \
--real_stat_A_path real_stat_512/face2smile_A.npz \
--real_stat_B_path real_stat_512/face2smile_B.npz \
--batch_size 4 \
--num_threads 32 \
--gpu_ids 0,1,2,3 \
--norm_affine \
--norm_affine_D \
--channels_reduction_factor 6 \
--kernel_sizes 1 3 5 \
--save_latest_freq 10000 --save_epoch_freq 5 \
--epoch_base 176 --iter_base 223395 \
--nepochs 324 --nepochs_decay 500 \
--preprocess scale_width --load_size 512 \
!python --dataroot database/face2smile \
--dataset_mode unaligned \
--distiller inception \
--gan_mode lsgan \
--log_dir logs/cycle_gan/face2smile/student_512 \
--restore_teacher_G_path logs/cycle_gan/face2smile/teacher_512/checkpoints/170_net_G_A.pth \
--restore_pretrained_G_path logs/cycle_gan/face2smile/teacher_512/checkpoints/170_net_G_A.pth \
--restore_D_path logs/cycle_gan/face2smile/teacher_512/checkpoints/170_net_D_A.pth \
--real_stat_path real_stat_512/face2smile_B.npz \
--teacher_netG inception_9blocks --student_netG inception_9blocks \
--pretrained_ngf 64 --teacher_ngf 64 --student_ngf 20 \
--ndf 64 \
--num_threads 32 \
--eval_batch_size 4 \
--batch_size 32 \
--gpu_ids 0,1,2,3 \
--norm_affine \
--norm_affine_D \
--channels_reduction_factor 6 \
--kernel_sizes 1 3 5 \
--lambda_distill 1.0 \
--lambda_recon 5 \
--prune_cin_lb 16 \
--target_flops 2.6e9 \
--distill_G_loss_type ka \
--preprocess scale_width --load_size 512 \
--save_epoch_freq 2 --save_latest_freq 1000 \
--nepochs 500 --nepochs_decay 500 \
--norm_student batch \
--padding_type_student zero \
--norm_affine_student \