Rolf Kristensen

Results 263 comments of Rolf Kristensen

There is a [NLog Wiki page]( with advice about logging performance (Ex. using `keepFileOpen="true"` when using NLog v4+) Btw. there are some NLog benchmark projects here: Maybe you can...

Closing issue, due to inactivity. Again if you can provide the source-code to a performance-test where NLog is failing, then I don't mind taking a look.

Consider making use of the new constructor `SocketAwaitableEventArgs(bool unsafeSuppressExecutionContextFlow)` introduced with NET5: to reduce allocations.

I like to keep them similar: "Cached", "CachedSeconds", "CachedDuration".

Maybe merge `CachedDuration` together with ClearCache

Think NLog 6.0 should only have these classes and nothing else (No threads, no timers, no tasks, no file-handling, no reflection, no expression-tree-compiling, no dynamic types, no regular-expressions) - ILogger...

When making the NLog 6.0 package, then these PublishTrimmed + PublishAOT warnings should be handled/removed: ``` NLog\src\NLog\Internal\Reflection\PropertyHelper.cs(80,60): Trim analysis warning IL2057: NLog.Internal.PropertyHelper.c.b__9_4(String,ConfigurationItemFactory): Unrecognized value passed to the parameter 'typeName' of...

I think it is a bad idea to have autoreload by default. It requires filewatcher (which is not available on all platforms). Prefer that NLog-core is without FileWatcher and global...

I was thinking something like this: `LogManager.Setup().EnableLoggingConfigurationFileWatcher();` Or: `LogManager.Setup(b => b.EnableLoggingConfigurationFileWatcher());` Where EnableLoggingConfigurationFileWatcher could be an extension method inside NLog-core-assembly to start with. But later move it out to isolated...