Sindre Røkenes Myren

Results 196 comments of Sindre Røkenes Myren

Rest-layer is unmaintained. We have a maintenance-only fork at where we occasionally fix bugs. Your best option atm. would be to implement it yourself as a standa-alone package that...

I am seeing the same issue in GitHub Actions (false negatives with `only-new-issues: true` and false positives with `only-new-issues: false`). If enabling GitHub Actions to run the tests on push...

Solved the false positive case by adding `fetch-depth: 0` to the Checkout step. ``` - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@v3 with: fetch-depth: 0 # Required for go-header check. ``` Without this,...

An SQL based proto-type for LOCF. assuming that the last value before a gap should be carried _forward_ for the duration of the gapDetection setting. The sum does not count...

Second proto-type, storing gap detection setting and method in the summary, and also also handling linear aggregation (: ```SQL --- time-weight experiment CREATE TABLE signal (time TIMESTAMPTZ, value DOUBLE PRECISION);...

PS! Ideally we would like a _similar_ solution for [compact] stats aggregation with similar logic to `locf` interpolation. I.e. that if there is a gap, the value is considered _valid_...


We are still seeing this issue. I belive the reason why we don't see it _consistently_ is because we are looping through a map when adding nodes and edges, which...

I would also very much like to be able to override the polymorphic `type` name. Maybe instead of `type`, you could allow static values in JOIN, as in `join:'my-type'=trans_type`?

You can set the env in your Taskfile from variables (or environment when no variables are set) using: ```yaml version: '2' env: CONFIG: '{{.CONFIG | default "Debug"}}' tasks: print: cmds:...