coherence copied to clipboard
cannot import Coherence.Rememberable.hash/1 because it is undefined or private
Hi, i'm upgrading from coherence 0.4 to 0.5 and running mix coh.install --reinstall
but now i'm getting the following error:
== Compilation error in file lib/twd_web/controllers/coherence/session_controller.ex ==
** (CompileError) lib/twd_web/controllers/coherence/session_controller.ex:12: cannot import Coherence.Rememberable.hash/1 because it is undefined or private
(elixir) src/elixir_import.erl:77: :elixir_import.calculate/6
(elixir) src/elixir_import.erl:18: :elixir_import.import/4
defmodule TwdWeb.Coherence.SessionController do
@moduledoc """
Handle the authentication actions.
use Coherence.Web, :controller
use Timex
use Coherence.Config
import Coherence.TrackableService
import Ecto.Query
import Coherence.Rememberable, only: [hash: 1, gen_cookie: 3] # error
alias Coherence.{Rememberable}
alias Coherence.ControllerHelpers, as: Helpers
alias Coherence.{ConfirmableService}
alias Coherence.Messages
require Logger
@type schema :: Ecto.Schema.t
@type conn :: Plug.Conn.t
@type params :: Map.t
plug :layout_view, view: Coherence.SessionView
plug :redirect_logged_in when action in [:new, :create]
If you look at the latest session controller you will see that the lines import Coherence.Rememberable, only: [hash: 1, gen_cookie: 3]
and alias Coherence.{Rememberable}
are commented out. In place of these imported functions, the module now defines these local functions:
defp hash(value) do
schema(Rememberable).hash value
defp gen_cookie(user_id, series, token) do
schema(Rememberable).gen_cookie user_id, series, token
You will need to generate new controllers and use git diff to choose which changes to incorporate.